10 Tips for End of the Year Productivty

Here is a list of ideas on how to make the rest of your year productive and to jump-start your productivity for 2015.


1.  Clear your mind and define your passion. Grab a pen and paper with coffee, tea​, ​or wine (whatever your guilty pleasure) and visit a place where you feel the most relaxed. Let your mind run free and think about what you want out of life and what you want out of your business.OctoberPic

2.   Set realistic goals you can accomplish within thirty days.

3.   Meet with a creative friend over coffee and share ideas.

4.   Organize your desk. Remove things from your desk you are no longer doing, completed, or just downright don’t need. Toss everything that no longer serves a purpose. Complete your tasks daily/weekly. Clean out your email box.

5.   Read a book that will strengthen you professionally​ and personally.

6.   Rejuvenate. Take a “me” day once a month to remember you are a person and not a machine. Maintaining your physical, emotional, and mental health is the pivot for starting and growing a business.

7.    Create a bucket list for your business.

8.   Set work hours. Set boundaries. Create realistic working hours for yourself and stick to them. Do not get distracted by saying, “Just one more email or one more phone call.” Stay true to your operating hours. Know when to say no and that you can’t help out right now. Especially with family and friends, who think because you have a product or service they need, they are entitled to have it for a​ low cost or free.

9. Create a space you enjoy working in.

10.   Reduce stress. Starting and running a business can be one of the most difficult challenges a person can face in life. I can’t stress enough how important it is to stay healthy and reduce your stress level. Take walks. Go to the gym. Meditate. Do yoga: a flexible body leads to a flexible mind. Keep active. We all know what sitting at a desk all day can do to our hearts, minds, and bodies, so just don’t do it!

Let’s embrace the end of the year with positivity and productivity, not with fear or concern because we didn’t accomplish all the goals we set for ourselves at the start.


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