10 Webinar Mistakes to Avoid


Webinars are a significant way to educate your audience. Not only can you teach your audience something new, you also teach them the value of your product or service.

Creating a webinar isn’t easy. They have to be planned out to make the best use of your time and focus on captivating your audience. Here, Aprille Reed shares some webinar mistakes to avoid when starting a webinar series for your business.

1. Promoting only one week in advance and not often enough

Over 25 реrсеnt of соmраniеѕ ѕеnd оut thе first еmаilѕ inviting contacts to their webinar at lеаѕt two weeks bеfоrе the event. If you ѕtаrt уоur promotion campaign twо full weeks in advance, уоu hаvе a lаrgеr window tо build аttеndаnсе numbers and remind аttеndееѕ.

The art of driving webinar registration is in catching people at a moment of receptivity with a message that resonates. Extending webinar promotions beyond a week and delivering multiple messages and email types will increase your chance of successfully hitting that moment of receptivity.

2. Not respecting the audience’s time

People start to lose interest after an hour. Sometimes your audience will be using their lunch break to watch your webinar. People are busy!! If you market your webinar at an hour, keep it at an hour. If you market your webinar master class at two hours, keep it at two hours.

3. Using a double opt-in feature

I get the double opt-in argument. And some email providers strongly encourage using the double opt-in as a confirmation that it is not spam. However, people are busy and will forget to confirm subscription. If it makes sense for your business and your email provider allows you to turn off the double opt-in feature, do so.

4. Not providing an add to calendar tool

If you don’t provide a quick and easy way to put your webinar on their business calendar, chances are good that your prospects will double-book or miss your event.


Calendaring tools dramatically improve registration-to-attendee conversion rates. Embed a calendar tool on every landing page, allowing registrants to place your webinars on their business calendars. Include login details in the information that goes to the calendar.

5. Not visually appealing and quite boring

Make your content visually appealing and keep your audience’s attention by not speaking too long on any one slide.

6. Not engaging with your audience

Bring your audience into the presentation. This is not a lecture. Ask them to participate and make sure you follow up with them afterward to get their feedback.

7. Too much textual information

Too much text will be hard on the eyes. Keep it short, simple, and to the point.

8. Letting people know there’s a replay

Don’t let people know there’s a replay off the bat. By doing so, you are training people to watch the replay. You want your registrants to attend live. Follow up with your contacts afterward to share with your contacts that didn’t make the live show.

9. Mostly selling and not providing enough useful content

No one wants to be sold to. Lead with value and the sales will come.

10. Not analyzing the data

Reflect on the numbers. Look back and see what needs improvement.

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