3 Reasons You Should Familymoon This Summer

Want to celebrate your new marriage as a family affair? Familymooning is the way to go.


Getting married is a beautiful thing, right?

You get to say “I do” to the love of your life and celebrate your love together on a fun honeymoon getaway. Yet what if you have children from a previous relationship or together, and you want to spend time with them to bond as a family? Try going on a familymoon!

A familymoon is simply including your children in the celebration of your marriage by turning the honeymoon into a family-friendly vacation. There are such wonderful benefits to familymooning that we’ll discuss in today’s blog post because I’m excited to share this cool idea with you!

My husband and I got married on May 9th and took an amazing familymoon last week with our children in beautiful Ocho Rios, Jamaica. While we originally had our vacation on the calendar for a regular family vacation, once we tied the knot, we decided we wanted to turn it into a familymoon and travel together as a blended family with my children, our son, and his older daughter.

So, let’s talk about the benefits of familymooning, as well as some stellar vacation ideas to try on your familymoon!


1. Familymoons build a stronger family bond

I know it’s not always easy to make time for all your responsibilities, especially when you’re a busy woman entrepreneur.

Sometimes you barely have time to think, let alone spend time with your family when you want to. That can lead to tension in your household and I know you want nothing more than to make your kids happy.

This is where familymoons give you the chance to bring your family together for a fun trip. While traveling with kids isn’t always a breeze, it’s worth the effort to pack up, hit the road, and spend that time catching up, laughing together, and just enjoying one another.


2. Creates new memories with your children

What makes your family bond even stronger is experiencing new things that you and your kids will never forget.

On my family’s familymoon, we explored the island of Jamaica together and did activities each day like together like:


  • Ziplining across the springs and waterfalls.


  • Soaking up the sun on a beach day.


  • Having a girl’s day with my daughter and my husband’s daughter to get massages on the beach next to the glistening waters and follow it up with brunch.


  • Sailing the seas on a boat party together.


  • And having a classic BBQ and pool party to eat good and splash around.


No matter what you choose to do with your children, familymoons give you the opportunity to see the wonder light up in their eyes during each activity and hear them talk about it with joy for years to come.


3. Familymoons give you a good reason to vacation!

Listen, mama, you don’t need a reason to get away from your business for a week, especially if you’ve been working hard and feeling like burnout is creeping up on you.

If you just got married and haven’t had the time to honeymoon, I encourage you to take that time to turn it into a long-awaited trip with your family so you can have fun. You deserve it!

You’re probably thinking: The kind of vacation I need doesn’t always involve family-friendly activities. I get it because you have to get your adult on sometimes, too!

On our familymoon, my husband and I have a nanny established in Jamaica that we use therefore our children were in excellent care while we got into some good trouble at night. We also plan on taking a local vacation next month without our kids for a more traditional, romantic honeymoon.

Yet this time around, we knew we wanted to celebrate being newlyweds with our kids, and I think it’s time you do the same if you’re ready to sit back and relax!



Ready to make time in your busy schedule for a vacation?

Familymoons help you create cherished family memories with your new husband and blended family—and they are a great way to take a break from your business when you know you need it.

If you’re not sure you have the capacity to go on a familymoon just yet, whether it be from your demanding schedule or life getting in the way, I truly believe there’s nothing you can’t achieve by manifesting.

When you manifest, you put your goals out into the universe and set things in motion for them to come to fruition. Remember: It’s not just creating a vision board, it’s taking the steps to make it happen.



Need help manifesting to shift your mindset and build healthy routines that make room for you to achieve your goals? Enroll in my Manifest Your Profits course!

You’ll learn how to build a roadmap to your goals with daily affirmations and easy actionable steps to grow your confidence in yourself and your business to create the life of your dreams.

Click here to learn more!

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