3 Tips to Managing your Blog and Balancing your Lifestyle

Hosting an impactful blog is no simple task. Whether you are just starting your blog or have one in progress, there is a “secret sauce” to managing your blog consistently, without burning yourself out. We share our favorite tips to managing your blog while balancing a healthy lifestyle.

1. Track Your Hours

It’s important to make sure you are managing your time wisely when it comes to your blog. Chances are you don’t have time to waste being unproductive when it comes to sharing your voice online. Dedicate a specific time to write, edit, create images, style your blog, and promote your blog on your social media platforms.

We love to use ATracker, which helps to track our time on each project right from our smartphone.

2. Exercise

Exercise is not overrated. It is a fact that regular exercise positively affects the brain. When you have a busy personal life and trying to set aside time to manage an engaging blog, it’s important to take the time to release stress. Exercise allows you to burn off some steam while having some quiet time.

3. Plan a “Digital Detox” Day

The key to a balanced life is to plan for a day where you do zero work. These are the days where your phone is off so you can focus on your family, significant other, a ladies’ night, whatever the occasion may be. Make sure you prep for these “digital detox” days in advance so you aren’t getting behind with your blog and other work. See our tips on how to manage your blog in the most effective way.

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