Congrats, you’re a new mom! Becoming a mother is one of the biggest life changes you can experience. You have an entire human being to look after – one that barely sleeps and needs constant attention. It’s understandable if you struggle to prioritize yourself. But as we always say here at a Curvy Mom, self-care is an essential.
You need to take care of yourself for the sake of your own health, and for the sake of your baby’s too.
Here are 3 ways to do self-care as a new mom:
- Find a Hobby You can do with Baby
New mothers are often told that they need to give up their hobbies and social life to accommodate their new kids. Don’t let such people get into your head. While it’s inevitable that you’ll have less free time and expendable energy right after childbirth, you can incorporate the baby into your hobbies.
There are a lot of things a baby could enjoy from only a few weeks or months old. Love exercise? Strap your baby into a stroller and go on a run while pushing it. If anything it’ll improve your cardio! Love to read? Give your baby picture books and read your own book side by side. Like to paint? Set up an easel and work on your own project as your baby finger paints on the floor nearby. This way, you can still have self-care, and your kid gets to play, which is crucial for their development. This also makes for great bonding experiences that you can keep us as your child ages.
Related article: 5 Ways to Make Time For Self Care Everyday as a Working Mom
- Have a Standing Date Night
Most new parents struggle to find the time to let loose when they really need it. An easy way to get around this is by setting up a regular date night instead of waiting for “when you have a free moment”. Trust me, that free moment might never come, so set it in stone. Have a standing date on your calendar once a month to make sure you get some self-care on a regular basis. You could go out with your partner, your friends, or even make it a solo date. Make sure you book a babysitter way in advance, plus a Plan B in case the babysitter doesn’t show up. Treat the day with importance and don’t let it get filled with other responsibilities unless there’s an emergency. We all deserve to let our hair down.
- Join Mommy-Baby Groups
A great way to figure out self-care as a new mom is by surrounding yourself with other new moms. Many of us aren’t lucky enough to have enough extended family to support us through this process. The solution is to search for local mommy-baby groups and befriend other new moms. These are usually health and social interaction classes that new parents take along with their babies. You can share advice on everything to do with raising kids, including how to manage self-care. These groups can also be a foundation for strong friendships which will give you the social support to get through the stress of motherhood. It’s great to have a sisterhood who can relate to your life, and who you can share a margarita with when the kids are in bed.
Don’t Fret!
You can keep your cool by following these three easy tips to do self-care as a new mom.