3 Weekend Destinations You NEED to Book in 2017

maintaining a work life balance

Planning a weekend getaway doesn’t have to cost a fortune or take a ton of planning. Taking some time away is a key ingredient to maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Whether you’re going away for a girls’ weekend or a romantic getaway, time spent unplugged will leave you inspired, refreshed, and refocused for when you return.

Here are my top weekend destinations you need to plan a getaway for this year:


Camping is a simple and affordable way to take a vacation over and over again. The benefits of getting fresh air and sleeping under the stars are endless. With hiking trails just about everywhere, it’s a fun way to spend an active afternoon with your friends. Plus, there is no greater feeling than reaching a summit of a mountain and having a picnic lunch!

ReserveAmerica is an easy way for you to find and book a campsite close to you.

Neighboring city

Sometimes it’s interesting to switch up your perspective. Visiting a neighboring city is just the way to do that. Since visiting cities is expensive (yes, even the one you live in!) Airbnb is the perfect solution. You can list your apartment and find a similar place to rent for the weekend.

What to do? Try attending your favorite type of event in a new surrounding. You can use sites like Meetup to find happenings that interest you. While you’re there you can network with a new audience and potentially make some new business connections.

Beach getaway

Who doesn’t need some fun in the sun? Any beach town during peak months can be uber-expensive, so we suggest you go during the off-season. Hotels will typically have lower prices for the same rooms and amenities.

With fewer crowds about, you can enjoy some nice relaxation time or catch up on your reading and writing while getting some inspirational time in the sun and sand.

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