4 Inspiring Tips to Motivate Boss Moms

Business getting in the way of life or the other way around? Here’s how to practice self-care when life gets rocky.

Being a boss mom can be challenging.

Whether it’s business wearing you down and starting to creep into your time off, or it’s stress from personal issues beginning to affect your productivity at work, we all go through it sometimes. When life starts to feel overwhelming and you’re not sure what to do to alleviate your stress, that means it’s time to start taking your self-care seriously.

As a multi-business owner and mom of three, I know what it’s like to feel out of sorts when trying to handle everything all at once. If your business isn’t thriving the way you know it should, and it’s bringing you down, you can grab my free Roadmap to Profit workbook. You’ll learn the exact framework I use to create my business strategies and earn $10K a month!

In this article, we’ll dive into 4 ways to take better care of yourself to bounce back stronger than ever.


1. Take a step away and take time for yourself

“Self-care is giving the world the best of you instead of what’s left of you.”

When you start feeling burned out, take a step back and take a break. Nothing is more important than your mental and physical wellness.

Don’t feel guilty for temporarily removing yourself from the situation that’s causing you the most stress. You can always come back to it later. What’s best is to relieve yourself of any headaches and nurture yourself to heal.

Choose how long you can reasonably stay away from the situation, and make a self-care plan for the time you’re on break. During your break, do activities that ask nothing of you and only give you enjoyment, like doing yoga or reading a book.


2. Refresh your space

When’s the last time you re-organized your living room, bedroom, or work office?

You can move around your furniture, hang up cute artwork, shop for new office supplies, or even paint the walls a new, vibrant color.

Believe it or not, refreshing the areas in your home where you spend the most time is a great way to change the energy of the room. It gets rid of the old, negative energy and invites positive energy to fill the space.



3. Encourage yourself with affirmations

Never doubt the power of the tongue, mama!

Speaking life into yourself helps you overcome stress and anxiety by rebuilding confidence in yourself.

Here are my favorite affirmations for motivating myself when I’m feeling down:

  • “I am deserving of abundance in all areas of my life.”
  • “I am radiating love–love for myself and love for others.”
  • “Everything I need is already within me.”

Repeat these affirmations to yourself three times in a row in the morning before you start your day, or in the evening before you go to bed.

Related article: 75 Morning Affirmations to Make it Happen Today!


4. Connect with other boss moms

Remember, you aren’t alone!

There are hundreds of other boss moms all experiencing the same emotions you do when life or business starts getting difficult to manage. So, don’t be afraid to connect with them and share your thoughts and feelings with them.

Finding your tribe of other boss moms who understand you and want to uplift you is a beautiful way to build your support system. If you’re not sure where to look, you can join my free Facebook group for boss moms!


Ready to transform your mindset and life?

It’s normal to be stressed sometimes, but if you find yourself feeling stressed most of the time, use these tips to heal, mama!

Being a boss mom means doing what it takes to take care of yourself, your family, and your business. If you feel like you are doing it all and still not seeing the results you want, I encourage you to join the Manifest Your Profits course!

You’ll get:

  • A step-by-step guide on shifting your mindset and building healthy, productive routines for work and home
  • A complete roadmap to help you plan your goals and launch your business
  • PLUS a free affirmation journal to track your progress and keep you motivated along the way!

Ready to get started? Click here to enroll!




Marian is a writer from Florida who loves finding the words to make a meaningful impact on readers. With a background in journalism and copywriting, Marian is big on strategic, heart-centered storytelling. When she’s not writing for work, she enjoys writing for pleasure, like poetry and short stories. Marian is the founder of Words by Marian.

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