4 Ways to Boost your Weekend Productivity

TGIF, the weekend’s here! If you’re anything like me, you probably want to unwind after getting through the long work week. However, the reality is that most of us have errands to run, chores to do and social obligations to fulfill on the weekend. On top of that, you just might have work spilling over from the rest of your work week. So even if relaxation and self-care are important, you might have to stay productive even on weekends. 


Here are 4 ways to Boost your Weekend Productivity:

  1. Organize and Prioritize

An important thing to remember is that productivity isn’t about doing as much as humanly possible, but rather about doing work efficiently. Instead of getting up and working without direction from dusk to dawn, focus on getting the highest results out of whatever work you do. You need to approach every work day with a set plan of how to get your most important tasks out of the way. Buying groceries might be more urgent than doing dishes, doing admin for your business might be more urgent than washing your car, and going to your sister’s wedding might be more urgent than weeding your yard. Sometimes you can’t get absolutely everything done – and that’s okay. Start with what needs to be done the most, and if you have spare time, less important tasks can fill in the gaps.


  1. Stick to a Sleep Schedule 

We all want to sleep in on the weekend, I’m no exception. It may be a good idea if you’ve been sleep deprived during the work week and need to catch up on some sleep debt. If not, sleeping in can reduce productivity. Other than the fact that it reduces the number of hours you have available to be productive, sleeping in on weekends can also mess up your circadian rhythm. This is your internal body clock which is largely determined by what time you go to sleep and wake up. If your circadian rhythm is out of sync, you’re likely to be groggy and have less energy during the day, which lowers productivity. So try to wake up at a similar time every day, even on weekends.


Related article: How to Organize Your Home Office for Productivity


  1. Get Some Rest 

While you obviously can’t be productive without working, you can’t be productive if you’re burnt out either. Sometimes you might have no option but to push yourself, but whenever possible, keep it to a reasonable amount. Being exhausted week in and week out will reduce the quality of your work which means you’re not really being productive. It might sound counterproductive, but research shows that getting enough rest is crucial to high productivity. So even when you’re busy, make sure you get a full night’s sleep and squeeze in an hour or two of relaxing activities into your weekend.


  1. Delegate 

We all want to “have it all” in life, but the harsh truth is that it’s often not possible to do it all by ourselves. Let people help you! Instead of taking on the burden of everything all at once, delegate where possible. Your partner and kids ought to share the burden of chores, and if you’re overwhelmed at work try seeking help from your colleagues. If you have too much to do, take on tasks which only you can accomplish, and get help with the rest.


That’s It, Folks!

We hope you’ll enjoy a productive weekend with these tips!


Cynthia Kinyera

Guest Blogger

Cynthia Kinyera is a freelance writer specializing in women’s wellness. She uses her easy-flowing prose and digital marketing skills to craft engaging high-converting content. Find out more about her work at cynthiawrites.com.

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