5 Ways to Coping After Divorce by Dating Yourself

Divorce! Now What?

What happens after Divorce?

My life is over.

Who will want me?

How will I juggle everything?

How will I afford my lifestyle?

How will I… How will I…

What will people think?

Am I too old to start over?

Should I try and go back?

Did I try hard enough?

?The questions become endless…the answers become more questions?

The nights become an impossible burden, because the silence is crowded with excessive thinking about how to cope with life after divorce.

Contrarily to popular believe, divorce is not a death sentence for yourself and especially not for your love life. There is a beautiful life awaiting you on the other side of life after divorce. The first step towards coping with divorce is to have a relationship with yourself. Self-care should be your top priority. No excuses!

You’ve spent many years as a “we” that now its time to relearn yourself as an “I”. Ask yourself, what do I like, what do I enjoy doing with my free time, what do I enjoy watching, what do I want to accomplish?

The first relationship after your divorce should be with yourself. Spend time loving on yourself so hard that you will know exactly who is worth your time and energy when you do get ready to jump back into the dating field.


Here are Five Ways for Coping After Divorce by Dating Yourself


Learn Yourself.

Hello Self! Say hello to yourself again. Take yourself out for coffee/tea or on a long walk and really think about who you are now. Before marriage you were an individual with responsibilities and goals that may look a lot differently now. Which is perfectly okay. With the years have come a level of maturity and knowledge, that will come in handy for overcoming your life after divorce.

First Date Out.

Go all out for your first date with yourself. Put on that sexy dress or jeans that boosts your confidence like no other. Get the nails and hair done, shave the legs and step out with your head held high. Nothing is sexier than a woman that screams I feel great and look great too! Enjoy an evening with yourself doing whatever makes you happy.

Set Goals for Yourself.

Life after divorce will look a lot different in the next six months than you imagined before the divorce. Don’t panic. Divorce anxiety is normal, and you can work through it by creating a plan of action. Easier said than done right?! I get it. It’s one thing to read this and another to go out there an execute something that will be beneficial for you. Well, I believe that you can. I believe that if you write down three goals you hope to accomplish in the next 3-6 months you can do it! But you can’t do it just by writing it down. You must create an action plan for how you will accomplish these goals. Create small tasks you can do on a daily/weekly basis to bring you one step closer.

Spend time with Family & Friends.

The yearning of affection and companionship. Those days and nights will come that you miss having someone to talk to about everything or just someone in the house when you come home from work. It’s okay – you have a support system. This is when you call up your reinforcement team, family, friends, neighbors, mom friends, etc. Once your divorce is final and you are sure that is no returning feel free to start telling people and they will understand what you are going through. Therefore, when you call and say you need support if they are a true one, there will be no hesitation to help you get through this tough period. Life after divorce can be lonely and you will need your circle of support to keep you motivated and pushing through.

Start a Business or Hobby.

Life after divorce is a great time for you to find a positive focal point. Start that business you have been putting off or to get a new hobby. Starting a business or getting a hobby can give you a fresh start and create a healthy distraction. Instead of using your idle time overthinking about your divorce you can put those thoughts into positive experiences.

Dating after Divorce

When Can I Date Again? You will be ready to share this amazing new goddess with a special partner when you are head over heels, in love with yourself! When you are confident that you are taking no mess, you are the top priority and won’t accept anything less but what you deserve from anyone – you are ready to date after divorce!

Love yourself 100% before you pour that love into someone else.

Happy life after divorce!

Share your tips on what you did after a divorce to move on.

XO missy

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4 thoughts on “5 Ways to Coping After Divorce by Dating Yourself”

  1. Thank you for this inspiring post. I’m going thru a separation right now and was unsure of how to find my way back to loving myself. This helped me put things into perspective

  2. Great article. I remember feeling so alone when going through my divorce. I had spent over 20 years with my partner and didn’t realize how much I relied on him for friendship and daily interaction of communication. I had to find support groups, develop new friendships and restore my family relationships to help with the loneliness. I am also spiritual so I relied heavily on my faith.

  3. I’m not married but it feels like. I just left my partner of 10 years after he cheated on me, and I can’t wait to start dating again. I have been mentally checked out of the relationship for years, but now that I’m physically out, I don’t know how long to wait before its okay to move on again? In the meantime, I love the tip on getting a new hobby. I have been wanting to take tennis for a while now.

  4. I love your blog! Every week it inspires me and it seems like your posts are following my life chapters. Whenenver I need a tip or pick me up I come here and its right on time. Thank you, and happy thanksgiving.

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