5 Ways to Get Back on Track and Achieve Your Goals

We’re in the last quarter of the year, so it’s about time to take another look at those resolutions you made back in January. If you fell off your schedule a little bit, don’t worry, mama, you’re not alone. You still have time to crush this year’s goals!

Here are 5 ways to get back on track and regain focus.


1. Set Realistic Goals

Your goals may have changed and shifted with time, so it’s important to reset your goals with specific steps and realistic timelines. Remember, your goals need to be SMART; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. This puts you in the right mindset to know your limitations, but also challenge yourself to achieve something tangible.


2. Write It Down and Make a Plan!

How many times have you promised yourself to work on something then completely forgot about it two weeks later? It’s time to write it down…in detail! It’s been scientifically proven that writing down your goals in detail increases your chances of success. It improves your chances of remembering your goals and reminding you to stick to them.


3. Ignore Distractions

It’s so easy to get caught up with the little aspects of life that you forget what you’re working towards. Never-ending errands, daily chores, family responsibilities, you name it. Remember: This is now your time to prioritize yourself and your goals. Get rid of any unnecessary distractions like scrolling for hours on Instagram or marathoning your favorite TV show and save it for after you’ve buckled down and made some progress. And remember, any progress is good progress as long as you’re moving forward!



4. Take a Break When You Need It

We love the results working hard can bring, but don’t work too hard or else you risk burnout. To sidestep that, take your wellness seriously and make time for self-care daily. This could be 20 minutes of deep breathing exercises and meditation after a long day, or a little vacation to that resort you’ve had your eye on for a while. Just make sure you make the space to take of yourself. You can’t pour from an empty cup!



5. Celebrate Your Wins

Hype yourself up, girl! Don’t get so absorbed with your work that you forget to pat yourself on the back every now and then. Acknowledge your successes and give back to yourself every time you reach a goal, no matter how small or big!


You Can Do It!

Ready to finish 2023 on a high note and make 2024 the best year yet? Use our tips and join our community on Facebook to stay motivated, mama! What goals are you manifesting? Let us know in the comments.


Cynthia Kinyera

Guest Blogger

Cynthia Kinyera is a freelance writer specializing in women’s wellness. She uses her easy-flowing prose and digital marketing skills to craft engaging high-converting content. Find out more about her work at cynthiawrites.com.

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