6 Thick Girl Hacks to Lose your FUPA

*Full disclosure, this is my personal opinion, and I am not offering any medical advice. Please consult your doctor with any questions.


Ah, it’s that time again ladies. The season where everywhere you turn you see legs and arms out and yes, even those abs are showing. Whether you are walking down the street or scrolling Instagram, the skin is out on these ladies and men.

You may be thinking that you’re too thick to wear those cute shorts, or halter top, or two-piece skirt set. And you’re wrong, super wrong.

STOP! No, seriously STOP! Stop worrying about what others will say. Better yet, stop worrying about the negative thoughts that you will say.

You’re beautiful at any size. Yes, you should be healthy, but that is between you and your healthcare profession, not anyone else’s opinion. You can be healthy at a size six or a size twelve. Everyone’s body is wired differently.

Now with that said, let’s talk FUPA!



I have always been a thick girl, but I have been a thickem’s with a flat stomach. After having my son by c-section I don’t know what happened. Honestly, I do know what happened. After the delivery I was 10lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. I had the apron stomach going on, but it was manageable for me to get back to my shape.

COVID happened! Now I’m stuck with the apron stomach from the c-section, plus the COVID 30 that is completely my fault by eating snacks with minimal exercising. But that does not stop me from being my most confident self. I am not in denial. I know that I could lose 20-30lbs to be a healthier self, but I also know that I am not going to beat myself up or deny myself cute fashion because of it.

I am going to find a healthy balance.  I can love myself while working on myself. And that’s okay! 

So, my FUPA sisters we are still entitled to a hot mama summer, and I’ve whipped up some tips that will have you shining all summer long while you rock that beautiful body.

Here are 6 Thick Girl Hacks to Start Losing your FUPA:


  1. DETOX

The best way to jumpstart your body into losing weight in the mid-section is to get rid of the toxins. Detoxing is a great way to clear out your system and start over. Gut health is so important and is the secret key to having a healthy body inside. When you have a healthy guy it can reduce bloating, brain fog and more. You just feel better! Grab your favorite detox tea and kickstart your journey to losing your FUPA.



Say goodnight early. Giving your body a successful night sleep between 7-8 hours is a great hack for losing your FUPA and weight overall. Your body needs rest. It needs time to reboot and start fresh the next day to handle whatever the day may bring. I’m a super night owl too, but I have started to create a balance with myself. Incorporating my late nights toward the end of the week, when I know I can sleep a little bit later on the weekends and recoup.



Yup, drinking water can help you lose weight and lose your FUPA. Drinking water daily helps you burn more calories and stay full longer. Another good thing about drinking water is that is a natural cleanser flushing out all the bad stuff our body doesn’t need to have in there. If you’re craving a brownie or pizza, don’t deny yourself, reward yourself but then remember to flush your system with 32 ounces of water.

Also, water is a great remedy for clear glowing skin 😊!


Related Link: How to Exercise to When You Hate Exercise



Another hack for losing your FUPA is to throw vegetables on your plate. Vegetables are rich in fiber and have amazing benefits that our bodies need to function every day. I know vegetables are not something you’re excited about but think of it this way. You treat yourself to something fun, cool, but you must also treat your body to something that it needs. Pair it with those vegetables and water and your gut health will thank you later!




The weather is nice, people are outside. It’s a great time to move our bodies. 20-30 minutes a day can have huge body rewards. Plus, it’s a great way to slim down including slimming down that FUPA area. For me, I love to dance. When I come home, I throw on some cute shorts, a halter top and dance through my mom-shift and chores. You don’t realize how much movement you are really getting until you start tracking or paying attention to it. I promise you are probably moving more than you think.

Fun summer exercises include walking, swimming, bike riding, dancing, and hiking.



I am a sweet-tooth junkie. I love pancakes, brownies, muffins, apple pie, etc. I could totally eat 2-3 sweets a day, but unfortunately, I can’t. Replacing your sweet cravings during the week with roasted peanuts, fresh fruit, yogurt, etc. allows you to binge on the weekend. Not too much binging, but you can enjoy your treats, flush with water, and know that you aren’t completely denying your cravings. You are setting a balance of moderations. The sweets love the mid-section area, so if you can reduce those cravings, you can naturally start losing your FUPA.

xoxo, Missy

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4 thoughts on “6 Thick Girl Hacks to Lose your FUPA”

  1. Love this post! You are truly beautiful at any size, we just all want to have a healthy body we rocking with confidence.

  2. Thank you for touching on this. I’m single and always super shy with men about my FUPA. I feel like false advertisement sometimes because when I meet them I’m wearing spanks and you can’t tell, but then I have to take my clothes off (for you know) and I get embarrassed. I’m hoping these tips will get me summer ready because its too hot for spanks lol.

  3. I love these!!! Can you share tips on having sex with a FUPA? No shade, but no one ever talks about this. Us FUPA girls need love too 🙂

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