75 Morning Affirmations to Make it Happen Today!

75 Morning Affirmations to Make it Happen Today!

Affirmations are amazing. If you are trying to start or grow your business and you are not doing Affirmations, you’re missing out! Don’t worry though, I’ve got plenty of morning affirmations to make it happen today for you.

I don’t know how you feel, but running a business is hard work. There is more sacrifice than I thought it would be. For the longest time, I was running and running with no end in sight. This past year, I found a way to slow my mind and change my mindset; by doing positive affirmations.

I am not big on mediation, as I am unable to stay still for too long (creative mind and all). However, with affirmations I can write them down, post them up, listen to them – it’s the perfect way of calming down for people like us; always on the go, juggling multi-tasks, and mind running on all cylinders.

If you’re reading this, I am hoping you’re already on the positive thinking train and that you will appreciate the added effort of affirmations. Even if you are a newbie check out these 75 Morning Affirmations to Make it Happen Today:

Affirmations for Self

  1. I never break a promise to myself
  2. I am focused and committed
  3. I deserve what I am manifesting
  4. I am working on myself daily
  5. I can push through my distractions
  6. I know I can achieve what I set my mind too
  7. I have enough time in a day to succeed
  8. I embrace change to accomplish my goals
  9. I am in control of my life
  10. I am motivated by self-action

Related article: 10 Ways to Empower Yourself to the Best Version of You

Affirmations for Productivity

  1. I attract wins
  2. I am organized
  3. I am focused
  4. I can accomplish my goals
  5. I am full of creative ideas
  6. I can overcome my challenges
  7. I bring my A-game every day
  8. My mind is at peace
  9. I can empower others to win
  10. I write down my goals

Affirmations for Positivity

  1. My mind is a no-judgment zone
  2. I am choosing happiness
  3. I protect my peace
  4. I am good enough
  5. I am letting go of my mistakes
  6. I am a great person
  7. I have the courage to be a Rockstar boss
  8. I can get through anything
  9. I believe in myself and my passion
  10. I only compare myself to myself


75 Morning Affirmations to Make it Happen Today!


Affirmations for Productivity Improvement

  1. 24 hours is plenty of time every day
  2. I can accomplish my tasks with an hour
  3. I am the master of my habits
  4. I am productive but also a strong motivator
  5. I can follow as well as I can lead
  6. I control how I spend my time
  7. I control who I allow in my personal space
  8. I am focused on producing purposeful work
  9. My work will be incredible
  10. I was made for this

Affirmations for Action

  1. I can stick to the plan I make
  2. I focus on what I can control
  3. My present is my main goal
  4. Procrastination is something I can overcome
  5. I can do things that are challenging
  6. I dare myself to put action into accomplishing my goals
  7. My energy is only spent on actions that empower
  8. I honor my intentions with an actionable intention
  9. Success comes after you start
  10. I am always moving forward

Related article: 10 Self-Care Tips While Quarantine

Affirmations for Energy Boost

  1. Positive energy is contagious; I attract positivity around me
  2. I choose to love and not give in to negativity
  3. I can light up the dark paths presented in my journey
  4. I am grateful for those who support me with empowerment
  5. I will get my proper rest to be able to work hard on my goals the next day
  6. My body is a beautiful machine
  7. I wake up each morning with a can-do attitude and smile
  8. I feel blessed to be able to go after my passion goals
  9. I will fuel my body with hydration and physical activity
  10. I will not neglect my mindset training

Affirmations for Money Manifestation

  1. Money will come to me when I sleep
  2. My attitude and will is attracting money
  3. Money comes to me easily and effortlessly
  4. My actions create an increased bank account
  5. I am worthy of a wealthy life
  6. Money flows to me from multiple sources
  7. I am working towards the future life I want
  8. I attract opportunities that will build my bank account
  9. I deserve to be paid for my time and effort
  10. I live life on my own terms
  11. I am financially free
  12. Wealth does not make me happy
  13. I have positive relationships with money
  14. Today I welcome success
  15. I am exactly where I am supposed to be

Related article: Open Letter to Myself on Forgiveness

I hope this list of affirmations has given you positive thinking to include in your morning routines. Use this list to jumpstart your motivation for starting and growing your business.

I’d love to hear from you – do you have any affirmations that you would like to share? Let me know in the comments below!  

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