Building Confidence in the Workplace

For 2022, I thought it would be really cool to pick the brains of industry experts that could provide tips and advice on a variety of different topics we face daily. 

For our first guest of the Pick your Brain Segment, we are chatting with Khoren Claiborne owner of The 9 to 5 Pro.  Khoren is giving us insight on how to build confidence in the workplace. 

Pick your Brain Segment: Building Confidence in the Workplace


Some women believe in saying morning affirmations, some jumpstart their day early; what are your tips for setting yourself up to have a successful day? 

I completely agree with those women. Affirmations are powerful, and when utilized consistently they can really induce positive thinking, which I’m sure we all could use some more of. *Raises both hands* I do like to preach and live by making sure you have a successful night routine. Having a chaotic and unstable night routine can make it very hard to have successful mornings! I know for myself personally, I try my best to be consistent in self-love and self-care by ensuring I get to bed at a reasonable time daily, having a skin care routine, putting on lotion in the mirror, reading a book, the whole nine. Just showing myself those small gestures of grace really help me mentally prepare to have a successful next day. My tips would be to put just as much intention into your nights as you would your mornings. Cater to your night self and your morning self will thank you for it.  

What advice would you give for women to build confidence in the workforce? 

I would say, ladies you EARNED a seat at the table. One thing I stand for is advocacy. Many people forget that with advocacy comes SELF-ADVOCACY. Always speak up for yourself. Always correct them when they mispronounce your name. You are capable and you have purpose. My advice would always be self-advocate. 

When is the right time in a career to request a title change or raise? 

I would say the right time in your career to request a title change is when you are starting to carry and take on more responsibilities than your current title suggests. I would also suggest inquiring about a title change when your position duties morph into a different type of position. I would say the right time to request a raise is when the market rate for your job is higher than what you’re being paid. I would also suggest asking for a raise when you have made a significant achievement in the workplace, or you have a stellar performance review. Utilize these items to give weight to your requests!

How should this happen; via email, schedule a meeting, at a performance review meeting? 

I always tell my clients to keep a paper trail! I would initiate the conversation via email and request to schedule a meeting. During that meeting, I would bring my performance review documents and reflect on those while making the request. I would then follow up the meeting with an email restating everything spoken about during the meeting and noting if any follow up meetings will be necessary to receive a raise approval. Cover yourself and ensure you receive responses from your supervisor in writing. 

If a raise or title change is not possible and the person needs to leave and go elsewhere; what form of exit plan would you recommend?

I would first create a plan for your next site of employment. Before exiting, I would ensure you have your next career option already lined up. Once that is solidified, I would write a two-week notice letter and email to your supervisor. In that letter, I would note that you’re open to meeting before your departure to close out any open tasks/responsibilities. I always tell my clients to lay the offer of a meeting on the table because this is usually where management tries to negotiate or even compete with your newly offered salary. Sometimes you must draw their hand! You also don’t want to burn bridges with anyone you might need in the future, you never know!

Are women working in corporate America without a college degree qualified to receive high level title changes and raises? Please explain how they can proceed…

Absolutely! First and foremost, education is universal; thus, knowledge can be obtained in many ways. With or without a degree, your level of success is dependent upon the investment you place into it. I would first invest in a professional resume writer. I say that, because we are professionals who know how to embellish your story. In other words, we know how to SELL. We know how to put in words your experience, your goals, your ROI, and the asset you can be. It can be difficult emphasizing your potential on paper when you are competing against other professionals who may uphold higher level titles and/or education, I know all too well. My advice is always to shoot your shot. Enter the competition blazing with a keyword optimized resume that steals the room for you.

What advice would you give for women to build confidence in the workplace, who work in a male dominated field? 

My advice would be to stand your ground and continue to hold your head high. You earned a seat at every meeting, conference, and decision table. Continue to exude excellence, and lead by example. Set firm boundaries and stay true to who YOU are and want to be.

Do women need to dress for success? How true is this statement? Does it really matter what I wear to work? 

It absolutely matters what you wear to work. Now, please don’t confuse this with having your individuality strangled or feeling as though you need to hide who you are. First impressions are everything, and unfortunately, we do live in a society that can be…judgmental. I always tell my clients to dress as you will every day you work there. If you are used to coming to work with a beat face every day, then beat your face for your interview. If you prefer wearing a TWA or afro puff every day, then wear that to your interview. Statistically, you feel more confident when you dress better hence the reasoning behind the perception of well-dressed equals success. I find this to be true, and even alongside gaining a boost in confidence, you can also feel powerful and more focused. Dressing nice never hurt anyone!

Any tips for women who would like to fast track their career without a college degree or professional training?

My tips would be to invest in certifications. You can never have too much knowledge. Take those internships for experience and take everything you can from them. Learn how to leverage your achievements so that you can show how they translate to career readiness.

Weakness, we all have them: how can we work on them?

We work on them by acknowledging them and taking accountability. Making action plans on how to exercise them to work for us and not against us. Healing and growing can really suck sometimes, but the beautiful part about weaknesses is that they always have the potential to be strengths.

Being in the workplace and feeling underappreciated and overlooked can get frustrated: how long should someone “date” their employer before calling it quits? 

I recommend addressing issues directly. If you feel any of the feelings above, immediately bring it to the attention of your supervisor. I would take notes, and immediately follow up the meeting with an email containing those notes and what the resolution of the meeting was. I would follow up again in 30 days if no changes have been made. If by that time the feeling persists, you should begin planning an exit strategy.

Tips for staying positive at work when you really are just thinking about when the day is over so you can leave? 

I am still learning tips for this myself, haha! I would recommend listening to positive podcasts, saying affirmations, or planning your next day out- in full. Those things seem to ease my super busy/draining days at work. Hope they help!

Related article: 75 Morning Affirmations to Make it Happen Today!

The infamous question: should I date a co-worker or my boss? If this happens, should I keep it on the hush-hush so I won’t be judged by my co-workers? 

Me, personally, I would not get emotionally invested with anyone I worked with. Now, I do empathize with the fact that things happen, and sometimes we can’t help it. I would say to be as cautious as possible, read up on your company policy regarding dating, and run it by your supervisor if necessary. You want to cover your bases specially to protect your career first!

Final thoughts on creating an awesome year in the workplace? 

I would say create a positive workplace atmosphere this year. Have grace with yourself and learn to listen to your needs. Deliver praise and recognition for yourself and your peers often. I recommend starting with a small wins jar. Dropping in a sticky note every time you have a small win to celebrate. Most importantly, find what makes work fulfilling for you.

Thank you so much Khoren for these amazing tips to Build Your Confidence in the Workplace and being a part of our community!  


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Bio:  Khoren Claiborne  

My name is Khoren Claiborne and I am a Certified Career Coach and Professional Resume Writer, helping over 30 federal government and private sector professionals secure careers in their industry. Headquartered in Washington DC, The 9 to 5 Pro serves ambitious individuals who want to advance to senior-level roles and gain career clarity. I help career professionals establish themselves as powerhouse pros so that they can feel more fulfilled and valued in the work industry. I know firsthand how frustrating the job market can be and that is why I am so passionate about helping clients become confident in their career search and land more interviews and secure more jobs than they thought possible. 

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6 thoughts on “Building Confidence in the Workplace”

  1. I just started a new job, and it is good to dress for success. I like looking and feeling my best because it really does show in your attitude.

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