A World-Class Movement to “Celebrate Thy Brother”

A tall table draped in black held a dozen small statuesque awards engraved with the names of 20150124_130130the honorees. To the right, a platform was situated for guests to take photos on while a masseuse treated the honorees to massages. Mothers, fathers, siblings, and extended family beamed with pride for the men being honored that night. The scent of soul food wafted through the air and Angie Stone’s “Brotha” played in the background. It was an all-black affair and everyone in attendance was there to “Celebrate Thy Brother.”

“We might be running behind schedule but that’s all right! We’re here to celebrate our black men. Thank you to everyone who came out to support despite the weather!” conference 20150124_184351producer and creator Sheneese Starr proclaimed from the podium. It was a gloomy, stay-in-bed kind of weather but the energy inside the National Black Theatre in Harlem was vibrant!20150124_180412

It was a heartfelt production that highlighted the good in black men. Police officers, real estate agents, musicians, they all thanked God and stressed the importance of giving back to their communities. One honoree wrote a speech that he asked Sheneese read. His words were full of gratitude for God’s grace, his family, and the opportunity to be a part of Celebrate Thy Brother.

After the awards ceremony there was a panel session discussing manhood. Is there a difference between a male and man? Does a man need to be raised by a man? In thirty seconds, what would you tell a young man (age 16–21) to steer him back in the right direction after he’s lost his way? The answers were expectedly colorful and insightful, just like the event itself!

Missy B Salick; CEO of Virgo Girl Media

Virgo Girl Media had a blast attending the “Celebrate Thy Brother” event, and were so honored to be a sponsor of it. We are so excited to support healthier male and female interactions, and strive to aspire people through strength and support—just what the “Celebrate Thy Brother” event sets out do!

Join us for the next event hosted in November by Sheneese Starr and Lytoya Parker. Entitled “Unlock Your Dreams”, the conference is sure to be another landmark event where people from all walks of life showcase how they have persevered through unimaginable obstacles in order to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others.


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