Five Pieces of Advice for “The Intern”

We have all been there, in the intern seat. Paid or not, the start of your first (or tenth) internship is filled with promise. If you could do it all over again, would you? Here are some “words of wisdom” that we pass along to all our interns.Screen Shot 2015-02-17 at 6.12.16 PM (1)

1.    Ask smart questions. We live in the world of Google, if you have a question, Google it first. This could range from basic formatting questions in documents, to “how to best write a pitch letter.” We always appreciate it when someone makes an attempt. We will respond with feedback, but what we don’t want to respond with is outlining how to do basic things. Who knows, we may end up Googling your question!

2.    Put your time in. The truth is there are 100 applicants for your job. You got into the intern seat because we (the employer) saw something in you, different from the rest. Expand on that. Show us what you’re worth. Once you have actively added value to the team through new ideas and projects completion, then you can ask to be reevaluated for a paid position.

3.    Finish projects. As an intern you will have A LOT thrown on your plate. The most important thing is to organize your tasks from most important to least. Put the most important and time-sensitive projects at the top of your list, and work your way down. It’s okay to tell your superior you can complete task X when task A is finished.

4.    Get involved in outside activities. This is the BEST way to network. Join something that has absolutely nothing to do with your job. Join a fitness class, volunteer, join a committee, go to church . . . This is a great way to take your mind off your job and meet new people. As a bonus you will build contacts and expand your network in ways you didn’t expect.

5. Be consistent. The number one rule in marketing is consistence. If you send weekly e-mails as a check-in to your boss, and never hear back, don’t stop sending them. They read them, but may be too busy to respond. However, if they have a question for you they will reply. Being consistent will help you to be and stay organized, which will lead you down the path to success.

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