Am I a Real Blogger?

Hmmm . . . Am I a real blogger?!

My short answer would have to be absolutely not.

Okay, let me explain. I love blogging. I mean I’m a writer at heart, it’s my first love and passion but let’s be honest. Writing doesn’t pay shit and with two little ones it is very hard to put all my eggs in the writing basket even as much as I love it. Of course, there are those few exceptions that actually make six figures being bloggers and I commend them. However, for me I just don’t have the time to do the blogging hustle. Most bloggers who are earning money, real money, have five or more income streams: products, services, speaking engagements, advertisements, brand partnerships, hosting events, and more. Again this is all great, but who has that kind of time? Most importantly, I have those grown-up bills that won’t allow me to get paid on “blogger net terms.”

So, with that said, I would say that I’m not a real blogger. I’m a passionate blogger who loves to write and share experiences and knowledge with my readers, but I know I could be better with turning my blog into a business. Writing and posting more consistently; actually trying to increase page views, more social media interaction and engagement, and having steady activity.

I do have big plans and dreams for the Virgo Girl and I know that it’s high time I start treating my blog like a business.

The blogging world, like most professions, is saturated and full of competition, so how do you stand out in the crowd? The simple answer is to be yourself. There is no one out there like you. Be yourself and follow your own path and you will be different.

Do you consider yourself a real blogger?


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