Ask The Virgo Girl: Am I cheating on my husband if he says it’s okay and it’s with another woman?

Am I cheating on my husband

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We are so excited to partner with Dr. Walter Hidalgo with a goal of being more socially aware. Here, he answers your questions and shares advice on life and wellness while living in a social media-driven world.


I am turning forty in a few weeks and for my birthday all I want is to have an affair with a female. I can’t think about anything else. My husband of ten years and I went to a party two months ago where I was introduced to a beautiful woman who shared her open lifestyle on sex and exploring new things in the bedroom. I was completely fascinated and wanted to hear more. For my birthday she invited me and my husband on a weekend cruise to expand our minds and spice up our life in the bedroom. My husband is much older than me and doesn’t want to participate but said it was okay if I went and to have fun. He even joked and said that sex with another female isn’t exactly cheating. While his mouth says yes, I know his mind says no, but I really want to go. I don’t want to go and lie about it; we have always had an open, honest relationship. But if I go and do something, is that considered cheating if he gave me the okay?

Advice from Walter: There’s a saying: Every seven years we change. Clearly, your sexual appetite has changed but it sounds like that is not the case for your husband. Nevertheless, what you “think” or “thought” you heard from your husband needs to be clarified because it will prevent you from any long-term problems.

What most people don’t know is that sex is a very important part of any relationship, so if that part is not discussed or explored it will eventually reveal itself in other circumstances and scenarios.

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