Back to School, Six Tips to Get You Ready

Where the hell did summer go?! Back-to-school (BTS) season is here. The early-morning weather has officially dropped into the 60s and it’s quite near the time for light jackets. Southerners have already made the BTS transition, while us northerners are creeping closer and closer to the end of the countdown. 

To my Westchester neighbors, please explain to me why our kids go to school for half a day on their first day? As if our working moms have nothing better to do? Then they have off two days back-to-back at the end of the month . . . I’m still trying to figure out who approves this schedule, but that’s another blog post. #ventsessionclosed

Anyhoo, Moms and Dads, yes Dads, you’re a part of the BTS rush too . . . It’s time for us to refocus our brains on homework, academics, routines, the whole nine yards as we begin another school year. Like me, if you have multiples then your brain is working in overdrive as you prep for two different grades. For me and my children it’s third grade and fifth. 

Here are some helpful back-to-school tips to help us survive: 

  • Start up their back-to-school routine two weeks in advance.
  • Get your kids involved in programs and activities and register them two to four weeks in advance to secure your spot. You would be surprised how quickly these slots fill up.
  • Back-to-school shopping: Check out Target’s School List Assist to see if you can find your child(ren)’s school and teachers. Target makes it as easy as 1-2-3 to add their shopping list to the cart. For higher-priced items, you can pick them up at Dollar Tree or price match on Amazon.
  • One last fun weekend: Have your child(ren) pick an activity they would enjoy on their last Saturday before heading back to school. On Sunday ask your kid(s) what they enjoyed about their summer, or let them write it down and read it back to you. This will begin to prepare them for homework.
  • Meal prep: Jumping back into the back-to-school season the first week is never a breeze. Meal prep should be the last thing you have to worry about after work, homework, and bedtime routines. Prepare your child(ren)’s snacks and meals for the week in advance. If you can’t meal prep, create a weekly meal calendar so you don’t have to think about it all week. School-aged children also enjoy responsibility. Assigning them snack duty in the evening can be one of their chores with a weekly allowance attached. My kids love doing a job and getting paid for it at the end.
  • Me time: Moms, this is important! You must, must, must find an hour of “me time” each day. Time management is key here! If you are balancing a career, motherhood, and side projects then scheduling your day will be the key to your sanity. Me personally, I will be enjoying Zumba and binge-watching the new season of Working Moms on Netflix. They get it!

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