Judith Jacques Shares Tips on Stepping Out on Faith and Building a Successful Business

In 2010, Judith Jacques founded BLACK STREET, an organization that serves to change the narrative of the Black community and its representation. At conception, the platform aided in the destruction of stereotypes, while educating within and outside the community about the influence of Black culture and why we (as Black people) have more to offer to the world than sports and entertainment.

The company has now launched three subsidiaries and annual events, Black Women in Media (the more prevalent of the three), Black Celebration Awards and Black Culinary Expo.

Black Women In Media's inaugural Panel & Awards Ceremony
Some of our Honorees/Panelists at Black Women In Media’s inaugural Panel & Awards Ceremony!

What jobs led you to decide to follow your passion and start your own brand or business?

I always had an entrepreneurial spirit. However, like many, I was also career driven. I had a passion for all things communication and gravitated towards careers that complimented that industry so I may perfect my craft.

What tips for empowerment can you share with our audience?

  • Allow GOD to direct you and birth original and authentic million-dollar ideas into you
  • Research… Research… RESEARCH! It’s ok to not be the most-savvy in any given field, especially in the earlier stages. However, in this day and age, we have a slew of information at our disposal and we must take full advantage of them. YouTube, GOOGLE, Facebook were among my top universities and sources of knowledge.
  • READ! Aside from giving you a wealth of information, reading gives you articulation. Not only does this set you apart from the “average”, you’re able to brand yourself among the elite and successful through your ability to communicate alone. Read at least one inspirational/motivational book per month. It will change your life. Trust me!

How do you balance a healthy and stress-free life with your workload?

If you can’t afford an assistant, get a planner. If a planner isn’t in your budget at the moment, that’s fine too. Use your smart phone. You have to properly create a timeline and/or schedule that allows you to effectively complete your work and tasks.

What advice can you give new entrepreneurs building their brand and empire?

You must have the audacity to WIN! Kill the NOISE! You’ll have a million and one people telling you that you shouldn’t pursue the vision GOD has given you. Ignore them. Some mean well, others not so much. None of that matters. Your success is not determined by the insecurities of others. Failure is not the end. Fear giving up and living a mediocre life;  a life of a common man or woman. Fear that someone else will be successful with the vision that was originally yours. Fear giving up.

What are your top 5 business strategies for success that you practice?

  • Prayer and meditation
  • Reading and viewing inspirational material
  • Find 3-5 mentors or people you admire and/or look up to
  • Continuously perfect your craft (courses, workshops, reading, etc…)
  • Learn from your mistakes!

What’s your biggest challenge in being a creativepreneur and how do you handle it?

My biggest challenge as a creativepreneur is picking the right clients. Not all clients are yours to work with. Choosing the wrong client can cost you your precious time and resources. Create a screening method to weed out the right client that will adhere to your perfect advice and help elevate your business.

In what ways do you utilize the internet and social media for your brand?

I utilize the internet for research mainly. Social Media, however, I believe has become the biggest media outlet and marketing tool. It has now become the identity and lifeline of a brand. If you don’t have it, the credibility of your business and/or brand is questionable. Social Media has aided businesses in directly marketing their product or services to their target market. If used properly, a business has the potential to increase their profit by 35%-50%+.

More Details about the events under BLACK STREET:

BLACK CELEBRATION AWARDS – A black tie awards ceremony honoring elite and celebrity individuals in 20 different industries. Also, within each industry a “People’s Choice” winner will be chosen. Totaling 40 honorees each ceremony. This ceremony is to be held every February during Black History Month.

BLACK WOMEN IN MEDIA (BWIM) is a platform created to recognize women of color who are innovators within the media realm. This initiative was also created as a platform for other Black women currently in the media industry to receive a wealth of information from those who have attained renowned success in their respective fields. BWIM hosts an award ceremony every March during Women’s History Month.

BLACK CULINARY EXPO – An expo for Black culinarians to showcase their work along with reintroducing our culture within and outside our communities. This celebration will entail demos, competitions, panels, tastings, company features, and of course entertainment!

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