Caitlyn Jenner Stuns the World with Her Beauty and Will Be Honored at the 2015 ESPYS

Surprise . . . surprise . . . Not only has Bruce Jenner chosen a name, but he has also transformed from a caterpillar into a butterfly. Bye-bye Bruce and hello Caitlyn! With 20.7 million viewers watching on, Jenner announced to the world that he was becoming a woman. Naturally, he broke the Internet!Caitlyn

On Monday, Caitlyn broke the Internet by revealing herself on the cover of Vanity Fair. With stepdaughters Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe, and daughters Kylie and Kendall by her side I knew Caitlyn would look great and be wearing the latest fashion along with a pair of Louboutin’s, but I never would have imagined she would be this stunning. Caitlyn’s happiness radiates off the cover and she truly looks at peace in her skin. Unlike Brewzer (Scott Disick’s nickname for him), who always seemed angry and depressed.

Kudos to Bruce for being his own #epic game changer and using his very public image for something positive. Caitlyn, welcome to the world! You are not only going to change lives but you will also save many. Bruce was always complimented on being a great motivational speaker, even through all his hardships and living with this secret. We can only imagine how inspiring and positive Ms. Caitlyn Jenner will be now that she is free to be herself.

Caitlyn, like her famous family, will of course build her own empire: a book deal, a reality TV show, even a fashion line, and whatever else she may fancy. E! has already released the first promos for a special documentary called I am Cait, which airs July 26.

“I am so happy after such a long struggle to be living my true self. Welcome to the world of Caitlyn. Can’t wait for you to get to know her/me,” she said on Twitter. The world seems to have taken a positive interest in Caitlyn and her journey. After creating the account, she has over two million followers and growing. Could Caitlyn become more popular than her daughters? Either way, the world is applauding her bravery, including the ESPYS, which will honor Caitlyn with The Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the televised ceremony on July 15 on ABC at the Nokia Theater, presented by Capital One.

Let’s pray that life will always be good to Caitlyn Jenner. And here’s to her being famous for something other than being famous.

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