Celebrate Thy Brother with Sheneese Starr

Sheenese Starr is a woman on a mission. An author, mentor, designer, event planner, interior decorator and lady boss behind S. Starr Enterprise. Starr motivates people on tshe.starr1heir journey of finding the truth within. Virgo Girl Media caught up with Starr to chat about her latest event, Celebrate Thy Brother. Celebrate Thy Brother is just what it sounds like; an event dedicated to celebrating the strong and powerful men, through uplifting, support and encouragement from women.

Tell us what can we expect to see at this year’s Celebrate Thy Brother event?
You can expect to see that which isn’t promoted nor highlighted on a public level: SiStars showing love, appreciation and admiration for their Brothers. Unity, smiles, crying, laughter and healing.

With so many events empowering women, it is a breath of fresh air to see an event geared towards celebrating our males. How have they responded to this event? 
As with each year, many of the Brothers (Honorees and attendees) are in awe. Just the same we have had many who felt they didn’t deserve to be honored and we’ve also had those who were uncomfortable with even being seen in such a light.

What inspired you to create Celebrate Thy Brother?
Celebrate Thy Brother has been in existence since 2005. My missionary work began with my Female-into-Woman’s Movement and it eventually transcended from there. Being One who not only pays attention yet who also overstands many of the principles that Govern this Universe, it just made sense to ‘work’ on our Brothers. We each play a role within the whole so to elevate one part without the other would lead to the continuation of our imbalance. I have a true genuine love for people in general, just the same I have a special love for our Brothers; to be honest it has been that way within my personal interactions for as long as I can remember and since I believe that everything has a purpose and is connected as long as we have the eye and understanding to connect the dots – I realized this was one of the roles I was to fulfill during my existence.  Understanding the journey of our Brothers, their challenges and more importantly the necessity not only for their existence yet also for their progress. I saw or rather paid attention to the realism that there was more bashing going on than celebrating and I chose to simply focus on possible solutions vs participating in the problem. I chose to apply my energy towards the correction oppose to the dysfunction….  If I believe in Celebrating my SiStars why not believe in Celebrating my Brothers.

Top five rules a guy should live by…
I don’t believe in rules. Just the same I believe that humans, regardless of gender should honor whatever principles THEY believe their character should stand upon. When ‘we’ look at what makes a Woman a Woman we may mention things like: she is respectful, loving, caring, supports her family and things alike. Well wouldn’t we appreciate the same from a Man?

What advice would you give to our teenage males who are on the path to becoming men?
First and foremost I would advise them to PROPERLY define what it means to be a Man (and to seek assistance with defining that if need be).  Then based on those principles I would encourage them to identify a role model; if they are able to, connect with that role model and Men alike and associate with these Men as much as possible. I may recommend a book or two, however that recommendation doesn’t apply across the board, however association does. In most cases, especially for the average teenager, their association influences what they read, listen to, watch, eat, etc., hence that is where my advice would be directed towards – Association.

A special thanks and congratulations from the women at Virgo Girl Media to all attendees and honorees.

Check out the event if you are in the Harlem area this Saturday, January 24th. 
National Black Theater – http://www.celebratethybrother.info/

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