The Best Companies Making Big Changes

From the age of fourteen through college and beyond, before finding my true calling as a writer, I worked my fair share of retail jobs. While working for some of these companies, something I really paid attention to was whether or not the organizations I was employed by were making a positive impact on the world. This made me change the way I shopped and even who I donated money to.

The Body Shop

I was a manager at a retailer that was extremely politically incorrect so I was thrilled to become a part-time assistant manager for The Body Shop. Going above and beyond when it comes to the production of their products, TBS also gives back to the communities where they get their ingredients from through their community trade program.

The Body Shop uses all-natural ingredients and 95 percent of the formulas utilized contain community trade ingredients. The community trade program allows the company to give back to the communities that supply the ingredients. The Body Shop is also committed to reducing their carbon footprint, never testing products on animals, and all products are 100 percent vegetarian. You can find all this and more at





Another company that we should all take notes from is Birdiebee. This company was started by WWE superstars Nikki and Brie Bella, also known as the Bella Twins. Brie and Nikki always hoped they would be able to make a positive impact through their company. They have not only succeeded but continue to make progress working toward other goals. Their biggest goal is to empower young women and inspire them to be strong and independent using positive messages on many of their garments, which are both comfortable and fashionable. You can get more information about their product line by checking out

Diff Eyewear

Diff Charitable Eyewear is another example of a company that takes the time to think of those in need. They sell affordable eyewear that is fashionable and socially conscious. They have a “buy one, give one” philosophy, much like the footwear company TOMS. When you buy a pair of glasses from Diff or a pair of shoes from TOMS, they give a pair of glasses or shoes to someone in need.

Diff uses celebrities such as Kylie Jenner, Khloe Kardashian, Giuliana Rancic, and Holly Madison to inspire their styles. These are just a few of the celebrity influences Diff has. Celebs and influencers use Instagram as a promotional tool with discount codes to get fans involved in the movement. You can find more on their website,!

World Wildlife Fund

Now, let’s talk about one of the best-known charitable foundations out there: the World Wildlife Fund. It is dedicated to environmental conservation through research funding and protecting endangered species. The company has over five million members and covers a hundred different countries, working to protect nature and rebuild natural habitats for several species in an effort to protect them from extinction.

Beyond the charitable work that the World Wildlife Fund does, it also makes sure to take good care of their employees by offering full benefits. They receive paid time off, sick leave, medical benefits, and other employee assistance programs.

So, if you think that all companies are only out for themselves, this handful should show you that there are some companies trying to do good in the world. If you are a creativepreneur, think about how your brand can make a positive change in the world today and every day.

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