The Donald Trump Effect as 45th President

So in case you’ve been living under a rock, Donald Trump is officially the forty-fifth president of the United States. Slovene former model Melania Trump is our first lady, the second foreign-born first lady since Louisa Adams in 1825.

Sworn into office on Friday, January 20, in Washington, DC, love him or hate him, he is here to stay for four years.

The Internet and the media are not letting this one die; each day/week there is a different story related to the effect of Trump becoming president.

Chrisette Michele performed at the inauguration and received an estimated $250,000, as reported by the Daily News. The question here is at what price would you sell your values and soul? According to Michele, she wanted to be the voice for the voiceless and bring America together; however, her actions did the complete opposite. Not only did she mention that her family isn’t speaking to her, but that President Trump didn’t even say hello to her or shake her hand, as the Obamas did back when she performed at his inauguration.

Longtime New York Knick fan and filmmaker Spike Lee has decided against using her song, “Black Girl Magic” in his Netflix series She’s Gotta Have It. Her fan base is saying that she completely sold out. But despite the backlash Michele released a new single, “No Political Genius,” that stands by her decision to perform. Whether anyone will buy it remains to be seen, but she will have several eyes on the project, as she is the talk of the town in the black community.    

Twenty-four-year-old pop star Miley Cyrus has decided to not walk down the aisle and marry her bae, actor Liam Hemsworth, due to the shitstorm that President Trump will no doubt be bringing down on the country. Instead, the Hannah Montana actress is “taking a stand and not getting married if others are going to be in so much pain in Trump’s America. Miley wants to focus her time on important social issues and not a wedding,” reports Hollywood Life.

Wow! the audience was in for a surprise at the Women’s March in Washington as Insurgent actress Ashley Judd recited “I am a Nasty Woman.” The poem, written by Nina Donovan, a nineteen-year-old from Tennessee, references Trump’s election, mass incarceration, LGBTQ+ rights, the wage gap, and more relevant issues,” reports Variety.

“Our p***sies ain’t for grabbing. Our p***ies are for our pleasure and they are for birthing new generations . . . of nasty women.” Judd was referring to President Trump’s infamous “grab them by the p*ssy” comment.

The Internet can be hilarious and cruel at the same time. I have to admit my all-time-favorite GIF and hashtag related to the Trump Effect is #FreeMelania. I’m telling you, people on the Internet have way too much time on their hands, but whoever put this together—priceless! The comment says, “A mail-order bride who needs to run for the hills.”

Paris, the eighteen-year-old daughter of the late Michael Jackson, speaks out about her several suicide attempts in a Rolling Stone interview. While this isn’t a direct result of the Trump Effect, kudos to her for speaking about such a sensitive topic.

Rosalynd Harris, a waitress at Busboys and Poets in Washington, DC, received a $450 tip from a generous Trump supporter on a $70 bill.

“Never judge a book by its cover and always be open with people to experience something miraculous like that,” Harris told WUSA-TV. “We may have different opinions and disagree on different issues, but the fact that he still looked at me as an equal and someone of value, it said something, like OK, not all hope is lost.”


Gospel singer Tina Campbell of Mary Mary wrote an open letter on her Facebook page on why she would forgive and support Trump. She also explained why others should pray for him.

“Despite the unfortunate reality that we live in a country which is divided by our differences, misguided by ignorance and fear, obsessed with power, and overcome with greed, I still choose to believe that better days are coming. I believe that, although America and all of its leaders are far from perfect, our spiritual guidance and covering that has been granted from our initial decision to be “One nation under God,” is what has established us as the great nation that we are.

I understand that Mr. Donald Trump is our new president, not our God, so as a citizen I choose to have a sensible expectation of him, accompanied by much prayer for him, and a complete dependency on God to work through him, as well as the others that are in office, to secure the welfare of this nation. I choose to opt out of fear of the unknown but rather opt in to hopeful expectation because if God is for us nothing can successfully stand against us.”

More than 3.3 million women marched in more than 500 US cities, which may have been the largest demonstration in US history. Millions came together to join the pro-women and anti-Trump rallies. Now this says a lot for all those women to join together and work as a team!

In other everyday news since President Trump has been in the Oval Office:

President Trump’s first official act on the abortion issue was to ban US funding for groups that promote abortion overseas.

Don’t plan on applying for a job with the federal government right now. There is a hiring freeze for federal government positions.

Building a wall across the border with Mexico was a big part of President Trump’s campaign and he wasted no time in getting to work on this. Trump signed two executive orders to begin the construction of the wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

CNN reported Trump’s executive order bars citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States for the next 90 days and suspends the admission of all refugees for 120 days.

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