Dr. S. L. Jones is a Woman on Fire and You Can Be One Too!

Who is Dr. S. L. Jones? Dr. S. L. Jones was born and raised in the Lawndale community on Chicago’s West Side. She has worked everywhere from Corporate America to government jobs as well as endured unemployment. She has a background in education. Jones is also a published author, founder of a non-profit, a youth ministry leader, a member of the NAACP, and a member of several other organizations. She strongly believes in making a difference and helping others see their inner strength.

The most important thing, however, is her three little girls. She has made it this far through faith and prayer. She enjoys writing in a unique style about religion, modern culture, urban street life, and justice. Her stories are very interesting and would make anyone want to have a change of heart. Virgo Girl Media sat down with Dr. S. L. Jones for a special interview about her mission and her personal life. 

Virgo Girl Media: For me, forgiveness is one of my hardest personal challenges. P​lease explain how to go about forgiving and why it is important.

Dr. S. L. Jones: Forgiving is very important since it provides you with peace as an individual. Without the act of forgiving, you are bound to have borne an untold story as the Maya Angelou quote says. Bearing an untold story leads you to have some kind of emotional distress or trauma. Giving yourself peace frees you from distress.

Virgo Girl Media: What is the mission and purpose behind the Wellness & Empowerment Entrepreneur Brunch?

Dr. S. L. Jones: The Wellness & Empowerment Entrepreneur Brunch’s purpose is to globally connect with women and teenage girls and show them how to make healthier choices. This allows them to understand how they too can become fearless and remain so.

Virgo Girl Media: Who will benefit from attending your event and what can they expect?

Dr. S. L. Jones: Actually, anyone of any race, culture, religion, or economic status can positively benefit. This event is geared toward females, but men are welcome as well.

Virgo Girl Media: How did you become an entrepreneur, and what is one challenge you faced on your journey?

Dr. S. L. Jones: Becoming an entrepreneur is not easy. It’s just like a kid riding a bike; you fall down, then you have a choice to stay there or become fearless and get back up. Challenges have and will arise on a daily basis as an entrepreneur. You’re wearing many hats to keep track and tabs of everything and everyone that assists you. In the past I’ve had encounters where the trust was lacking, and this held me back from being all I could possibly be and do for the organization. But, I have learned to be consistent, prayerful, and remain humble. No one is perfect, but there has to be a balance to it all. This is where prayer comes in; it will guide you in the right direction as long as you remain humble.

Virgo Girl Media: Outside the Wellness & Empowerment Entrepreneur B​runch you mentor young fearless girls; what kind of mentorship do you provide for them?

Dr. S. L. Jones: Omega Omicron Phi is a Christian sorority that mentors girls to become fearless leaders. Previously, this program was called “Young Women On Fire.” The program has been held successfully for two years in Chicago public schools, the Chicago Park district, and the suburbs. We changed the name since it is more of a sisterhood of true friendships.

Virgo Girl Media: Define a Woman on Fire.

Dr. S. L. Jones: A woman who is a blessing to others, she is confident in all her ways and emotions, she recognizes that she is imperfect, she can bring more to the table without having anything at all, she doesn’t hold grudges, although she never forgets. She holds the family down, without finding excuses, she seeks beauty in all she touches, she sees opportunity in all she goes through, she’s a beast in her own beautiful way. She seeks wisdom in the earthly skies, when she smiles she knows that the ones who hurt her can’t touch her soul. She knows she doesn’t have all the answers, but she is unstoppable at winning. She realizes that if she falls down, she can’t stay there since her love for herself and others is fearlessly flawless. She is a Woman on Fire.

Virgo Girl Media: What’s next for you and yo​ur Woman O​n Fire organization?

Dr. S. L. Jones: Only God knows the answer to that. But, I will tell you that without him, all things are impossible.

Virgo Girl Media Five (Quick) Things to Ask:

1.    What advice would you give to a teenage girl who had lost her way?

I would advise her to utilize forgiveness and prayer. These are the tools to assist in confidence to become fearless.

2.    I start my day with . . .

Coffee and prayer

3.    If you could invite any woman to dinner who would it be?

At this point, any female. Maya Angelou would have been the main one besides my grandmother. No other woman in particular. We all have to have an open mind since it leads to becoming a better person. You never know what you can learn from each other.

4.    Best advice you have received?

Ahh . . . “Just remember, God made us all, but everyone is not for him, so they all will not be for you even if they are family. Just always continue to pray. You will always make it.”    —Emma Ivy (Jones’s grandmother)

5.    Life motto you live by . . .

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” —Maya Angelou

Dr. S. L. Jones is hosting an exhilarating Wellness & Empowerment Entrepreneur Brunch in her hometown of Chicago, Sunday March 1. The event will include a raffle, networking, live entertainment, inspirational speakers, and more! For more information or to reserve a ticket, click here. 


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