As a business owner or avid blogger there just isn’t enough hours in the day. To save time it is extremely important that you manage your blog in the most effective way. We know this can be challenging, but there are some simple ideas you can use to manage and increase traffic to your blog.
Keep a Content Calendar
Do you know what next week’s blog articles will be? If so, good job!! If not, you should! Keeping a detailed blog calendar allows you to plan out your articles and stick to that schedule. This will get you in the habit of posting consistently.
Schedule your Social Posts
One sure fire way to increase traffic to your blog is through social media. Using a scheduling tool, like HootSuite, will let you schedule your week’s posts all at once! This is a time saver and keeps your social sites active, even when you’re not!
Establish Places to use your Blog’s RSS feed
Every blog, yes even yours, has an RSS feed. RSS stands for ‘Really Simple Syndication’. You can set up email campaigns based on your RSS feed that will automatically send to your email lists. You can also set up social RSS feeds, so your latest blog articles are posted directly to your social channels.