Ask the Virgo Girl: How to Stay Away From My Ex-s Social Media Pages

We are so excited to partner with Dr. Walter Hidalgo with a goal of being more socially aware. Here, he answers your questions and shares advice on life and wellness while living in a social media driven world. 


In the New Year, my first resolution is to stay away from my ex-s social media pages. We were together for over fifteen years, his friends are my friends, and his family is my distant family. My Facebook and Instagram pages are loaded with people that we both share, how do I separate myself from them, should I separate myself? I really want to get over him but it’s a constant challenge when we share the same circle.

Advice from Dr. Walter Hidalgo: Well, firstly, social media is just one part of your life.  The other part is the real world and that holds a lot of weight in how you will continue to get over your ex.  Secondly, you may consider filtering out those friends or family that are closely associated with your ex on social media.  Pictures, stories and testimonies on social media add to your psyche and therefore bring back memories of your past (specifically related to your ex).  And, so, you may want to think about that.  Remember, social media is not the only way people can connect with you. There’s still email, a phone call or even an unexpected visit.  So, if you don’t want anyone associated with your ex to be a part of your real world life then you should be able to select who you want into your social media world.  Furthermore, if the people you want most in your life need to know the best way to reach you then they will know how to (whether on social media or not) .

Learn more about our NEW workshopsThe Dos and Don’ts of Social Media with Dr. Walter Hidalgo

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