First Look at the Woman Behind a Curvy Mom

Meet Missy Bonet, Business Consultant, Founder, and CEO of a Curvy Mom.

As a mom of three with big goals and even bigger faith, Missy Bonet is all about manifesting the best life for her children and herself—and she’s passionate about helping other moms and women entrepreneurs do the same! I sat down with Missy recently to talk about how she continues to manifest her goals, balance her work and home life, and serve her community with resources to manifest the lives of their dreams, too.


Marian: Firstly, I have to ask: What does “a Curvy Mom” mean? What inspired the name?

Missy: The name was inspired as a personal reflection of the particular point I am in at the moment. Before 2020, my brand was “The Virgo Girl.” I am now a mom-of-three with new curves. Ha-ha! Hence a Curvy Mom was born. It represents my new journey as well as women who are embracing motherhood and loving her inner-self.


Marian: As a mother and businesswoman, what’s it like finding the balance between the two?

Missy: I have accepted that there isn’t a complete balance between motherhood and entrepreneurship. The truth is this: You must prioritize what needs your attention the most at that moment.

I created a lifestyle that allows me to have the time and freedom to be able to be a mom first and then a CEO. Sure, there are times when I need to wear both hats at the same time, but 90% of the time I put on my mom hat and delegate my CEO duties.


Marian: You often speak on manifestation and how to use it as a roadmap to achieve your goals. When was the first time in your life that you realized manifestation was the key?

Missy: At the height of the pandemic, I became pregnant with my youngest son and started working from home for a previous corporate client. I was super stressed, overwhelmed, and anxious. I just wanted more time and financial freedom that I couldn’t get with the corporate client. During my pregnancy, I did a lot of reading and positive affirmations to create a peaceful environment for myself and my baby. I read a lot about manifestation and changing your mindset.

I will admit…first I was skeptical. I thought, “This isn’t for me.” But the more I accepted positivity, the more my mindset changed and I was able to embrace life as it happens. Recently, I relied on my mindset to get me through my grandmother—my Heart—unexpectedly passing away in 2022. I was lost. The woman who would wheel me back in was gone. I allowed myself to mentally break down. I broke up with my six-figure client. I told my fiancé I needed a break. I put my blog business on crickets. No “goodbye,” “I’m on break,” “I’m away”—nothing! For eight months, I allowed myself to struggle and not be okay.

Yet I realize now it was both the worst and best thing that could have happened to me. You know the saying, “If you ever want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans.” I understand that now. Everything happens for a reason. My grandmother passing is an unfortunate event that I will never understand, but I do understand how precious and short life is. Each day since, I worked to pick up the pieces again, speak affirmations, work out, and promote positivity until I was Missy again. I’m still not completely there, but I now know my boundaries and limitations.

Now I manifest the life I want – not the life people expect me to lead. I love on my terms, I work on my terms, I write on my terms…I live my best life on my terms.



Marian: So, manifestation can accomplish a multitude of things in our lives. What are your favorite affirmations to get the ball rolling on manifesting the things you want?

Missy: I have so many that I love! Here are the ones I repeat daily:

  • “I surround myself with people who bring positive energy and solutions.”
  • “My journey does not stop at the word ‘no.’”
  • “My mind is focused and ready to receive the blessings that await me.”

I’m always posting affirmations to reset the week so check out my Instagram for more to use for yourself!


Marian: You’ve manifested your profits and the life of your dreams. Tell us about a typical day in the life of Missy Bonet.

Missy: My days always bring something new, but one thing I try to do consistently each day is my morning routine. I start my day with prayer and do breathing exercises before I make my kids breakfast, prepare their lunches together for school, and get them up and ready for school. Once they are off, I start any house chores that need to get done and tackle my to-do list that I’ve made the night before.

To stay on track, I like to break up my to-do list into daily focus points for my business. It looks like this:

  • Administrative Monday
  • Pitch Tuesday
  • Content Wednesday and so on

I’m all about healthy routines and self-care. That’s why I’ve recently added a boxing class to my morning routine about 3-4x a week for my physical wellness. Wish me luck! By noon, I’m sneaking away with my fiancé for a walk or lunch because I think it’s important to spend some time together and get a breather before mom shift starts.

And at two PM, I close my laptop and say goodbye to Missy the CEO and hello to Missy the Mom. I prepare my kids snacks, dinners, and help them get their to-do list for the evening done. Yes, they have a to-do list too! Otherwise, it’s chaos in our house. Ha-ha. Mom shift lasts as long as one of my kids is still awake—and when they’re finally in bed (usually around ten PM), I check a few emails, social messages, and spend a little time preparing for the next day before bed.


Marian: We know we should always be our own biggest cheerleader, but for those with spouses, it’s important that your partner supports you in your goals, too. How did that work in your relationships over the years as a serial business woman?

Missy: I’ve been very fortunate that my relationships have given me supportive partners. This is very important to me when choosing a partner as it’s a “non-negotiable” for me. I have big goals and big ideas, and I need someone in my corner who can not only support me but want to be a part of the empire and legacy that I’m building to leave behind for my children.

My future husband is very understanding and supportive of my business goals. I won’t lie, he’s very old school and not into the whole digital media age, so he doesn’t understand the need for social media and being unfiltered and honest with your audience all the time. Ha-ha! He is coming around, though, as he loves to help me and my business where he can. He’s my photographer at times, my investor, my manny when needed, or whatever hat he needs to wear for the day!


Marian: You were married before but walked away from it with a clearer vision of what you wanted your life to look like for you, your children, and your career. What was the moment you knew you needed to leave the marriage to get that clarity?

Missy: Yes, I was married for fifteen years to the father of my two oldest children. We met at 20-years-old, fell in love, and got married thinking we had life figured out. We thought we would be together forever. I can say now that we didn’t have anything figured out. Spending all of my twenties and half of my thirties being married, I reached a point where I didn’t even know myself. I didn’t know what I liked or who I was outside of a wife and a mom. I strongly believe that it is super important for you to know what makes you happy and who you are before you can partner with someone else for a life commitment.

Once I realized this, the relationship became toxic as we loved each other, but our paths began to divide as I started my self-discovery journey. During this time, I was “The Virgo Girl” and my creativity had taken a stand-still. I was blank on what I wanted to talk about, because—and I couldn’t realize at the time—my creativity was blocked. After finding the strength to walk away and find my inner peace. I was able to rebuild myself and my brand. Missy Bonet of a Curvy Mom was the beautiful result.


Marian: What’s it like navigating co-parenting? Does he support your goals as a co-parent and/or friend?

Missy: Our co-parenting relationship in the beginning was a challenge. We tried therapy, family interventions, court, but nothing worked. We both finally reached a point where we were tired and needed a solution because we realized we would only be hurting our children and not each other. It took time, but once we regained each other’s respect, we became close friends and created an amazing co-parenting relationship for our two beautiful kids. Now we can travel together for family vacations and even occasionally collaborate as business partners.

Marian: I’m sure it isn’t always easy managing the responsibilities in your life. When do you know you’re nearing burnout and how do you combat it?

Missy: For too long, I didn’t believe in burnout. I would keep going and going and going without any breaks. I stayed under this illusion that I had to be independent, do everything for myself, my kids, my businesses, and never ask for help. I was always exhausted and never knew why. I’ve dealt with panic attacks since I was 27-years-old and sadly they are often when I’m overworked.

I know now when I’m burning out because my body tells me! I can recognize the signs: My head hurts, I can’t breathe, my brain is fogged, my heart races, my chest hurts, I lack concentration, I have fatigue, I am irritable, and depressed. When I feel like this, I know I need to reset and change my habits.

I add more healthy habits to my day like meditation, therapy, dancing, writing, laughing often, and exercising. I dismiss anything that doesn’t bring me happiness and peace.


Related Post: How Meditation can Change Your Life, Busy Moms Included—Acurvymom


Marian: You’re a huge advocate for self-care and self-love. What are the 3 essential tools every mom and woman entrepreneur needs to have to maintain their self-care?

Missy: Self-care and self-love is a must! This is your daily balance to stay sane, happy, and whole.

The three tools that I use daily are:

  1. Positive Mindset: Dedicate yourself to your happiness, even when things don’t go your way. Prioritize your needs and peace over everything else.
  2. Safe Space: Make the space to be alone and/or be yourself. You need a place where you can let your hair down, take it off, wear what you want, say what you want, and be who you want. For me, this is a long shower. I call it going to Aruba. I light candles, play upbeat music, put on my bonnet, do my facial routine, and reflect on the day while celebrating my small wins from the day.
  3. Hydrate: Don’t forget to take care of your body with plenty of water. You’ll be surprised how amazing you feel when you add more water and colorful foods to your diet!



Marian: We’re only a few months into 2023. What’s next for a Curvy Mom this year? Working on anything exciting to share with your community?

Missy: I cannot believe April is around the corner! I plan on dedicating myself to my community with the behind-the-scenes of how I’m building my media empire and producing a lot more content and digital resources to help more women turn their passion into profit.

We just launched the Manifest Your Profits mini-course to help women elevate their mindset to gain more time and financial freedom.

I have a couple of other exciting projects that I am working on and announcing soon. If you want to stay current with a Curvy Mom and get early access to our new resources to manifest the life of your dreams, subscribe to our newsletter!


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