Five Legal Tips You Should Know as a Blogger

As a blogger there are often many things we do to make our blogs entertaining. Sometimes we add images, stories, interviews, etc. The goal is to bring traffic, increase awareness of your brand, and express yourself as an artist. I mean, isn’t that what blogging is? However, as a legal professional I can tell you I see many oops that cause issues in the long haul.

Here are the top 5 things you need to know as a blogger from the legal perspective.

We all want entertainment, right? Sure you do! But we must make sure our content is original. Of course, you think it’s original, but we must consider that our ideas and content sometimes derive from other places. There’s a line between copying content and plagiarism. It’s easy to do so to avoid it, make sure your content is your own.

Be sure to make your content develops your brand. All your images, articles, and interviews should lead back to you. I know this sounds cliche, but sometimes I see blogs that are quite similar in thought. Your content needs to stand on its own and in your lane. Be sure your readers know your work is from you! They should be able to spot your work a mile away because your work has its own identity. Remember to make it stand out.

As a blogger, one should make sure that there’s a solid foundation. In essence, make sure your website can support the traffic you desire. You also want to make sure that the webpage logistically can authenticate your work. Ensure no one can copy your work. Set up Google alerts with your name, alias, hashtags, slogans, and tag lines. This way, if someone feels like borrowing, you’ll be the first to know as opposed to the audience.

Now this next step sounds tricky but it’s not. Your work needs to be copyrighted, trademarked, and patented if necessary. This isn’t a tough task. Simply find those icons, start the application, and boom! you’re covered.

Last but not least: Be consistent. Blogging is work! I’ll say it again: It’s work. Being and staying consistent matters. If anyone decides to front your work off, make sure your content is linked, social media matches, and website is up-to-date may aid in your cease and desist letter (if needed).

Being a brand is a lot of work. These are the basics, at the very least. I would love to share more but start here and you’re well on your way!

About KylaNicole 

Kyla D. Pruitt is the CEO and founder of KylaNicole, LLC (born and raised in Joliet, Illinois). Kyla developed a passion for empowerment at an early age, dedicating her time and works to inspire, coach and invest in the minds and hearts of both men and women though the KylaNicole Brand and specializes in overcoming Trauma. In stimulating development, self-awareness, and true authenticity, Kyla has accomplished her goals by engaging in and hosting a series of events including “Loud Discussions” panels which feature open discussions of a variety of life themes, helpful tools and concepts from her self-help book titled “15 Ways To Improve Your Reality and from hosting the radio segment “’A VERY Loud Discussion’ “on 216 The Beat Atlanta. By redefining, reshaping, and redirecting mindsets Kyla aim to be a national asset, helping countless individuals overcome and strive in challenging hurdles within the journey of life.

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