Friend Rules for Adult Life After Thirty

We’re over thirty.

Adulting truly begins and our lives change.

Your social life begins to dwindle little by little and each week you care less and less.

Where you used to look forward to Fridays to hang with your girlfriends or go on a date with the new cutie you met at the last social affair, now your Fridays are made for takeout, pajamas, and Netflix binges. Oh, and let’s not forget laundry.

I used to be the queen of a great night out on the town. Lounges, parties, clubs, you name it, I was there. Now I look forward to my cozy apartment minus two to enjoy a night of wine and reading or writing alone.

So, what does this mean for your friendships?!

Yes, you still have friends—just friends with a mutual understanding. Friends who understand that children, playdates, careers, car washes, all take precedence over getting together as much as you used to.

Then there are the friendships that develop from seeing someone daily. Your best friend may transform into the coworker with the extremely annoying dedication to her work and you wonder why she’s so damn happy all the time. Maybe because—think about it—if you work a normal 9 to 5, you spend at min 40 hours a week there. Forty hours around the same people day in and day out. Every day, every week, every month. You might as well make the best of it and learn about the people around you and what you all have in common, or not.  

The social climate of adulting over thirty is way different from that in your teen years and twenties.

For us over thirties our rules of friendship are pretty simple:

Birthday greetings are shared via text and social platforms (phone calls are so 1990s);

A reply 24–48 hours later to a text isn’t considered rude if there’s a response;

Having two bottles of wine available is mandatory to support a friend during a breakdown due to children, boyfriends, partners, or work-related stress/drama;

Be prepared for plenty of plans to be made but only one of them actually will happen;

Who needs to go out when there’s wine in the house?! Everything will be done at home;

No judgement over here. We literally don’t have the time. But then again, we probably are only half-listening;

We will see each other maybe every two years;

If we ever do make it outside past 9 p.m. don’t be offended if we yawn or possibly catch a snooze while you’re on the dance floor; and lastly,

Our conversation skills are limited to motherhood, career, the latest Target sale, or what’s trending on Netflix, Hulu, Prime (you get the picture). Sorry, but we just don’t get out all that much.

Happy Reading,

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