Getting Creative with Julie M. Holloway

9781630687038-Perfect-Outlines-Copy-300x300Julie M. Holloway is an artist based in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. She is the founder of JMH Cre8ive, a boutique graphic design agency, and is the curator of a book series titled The Entrepreneur Within You (TEW). TEW is a tribute to and a reminder of our community’s commitment to not just inspiring others, but taking actionable steps to turn our dreams, talents, and abilities into fulfilling, successful businesses + helping others along the way.  If you’re looking for a supportive community for entrepreneurs who do even more work than they do talk, unleash the entrepreneur within you and join us! Follow and connect using hash tag #unleashtheBiz.

Julie loves coffee, collaborating, and hanging with family and friends. Her passion is in her art, which derives from her quote “Let your soul sparkle.” View her latest works online at

We had the opportunity to ask Julie questions about TEW and how this group is inspiring entrepreneurs. We also gained a little insight into Julie’s experience with verbal abuse and harassment in the corporate world. What better reason to start your own business if you’re facing similar circumstances, right? Release your inner entrepreneur and value yourself for the boss chick who is screaming to come out and change the world. Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed. Thanks to faith and courage, Julie is now living her life and helping other people through her testimony.

11800127_1475533189428771_5901771427330115177_nWho is your core audience?

Our core audience for the TEW book series is new start-ups, students studying entrepreneurship, and hobbyists who wish to go full-time, as well as seasoned small-business owners and older people seeking more meaningful lives and careers.

If you were an advocate for a specific cause what would it be and why?

My heart is with raising awareness about verbal abuse and bullying in a corporate environment. My boss abused me verbally, shamed me, embarrassed me, and made me feel totally invalid in our small non-profit environment. I would score off the charts in the area of ‘team building and leadership among my peers’ while he would write me up left and right with pink slips and other causes of complaint. I endured this for three years; and I hope and pray that if you find yourself in a similar situation, that you muster up the courage to leave with grace and with your head held high, knowing that there is something better for you out there; sometimes you even have to step out on faith.

Who are the most important people in your life?

Learning to love myself comes first. Next, my parents for giving me life; then my brother for dealing with me all our lives, my husband for being loving, caring, and wonderful as a father to our lovely and awesome children. Finally, my extended family and friends, as well as colleagues, clients, and associates are just as high up. I love the uniqueness of every person I meet.

What is the best thing about writing for you?

Writing has allowed me to be free from my past decisions and experiences with college, career, and life. It has allowed me to share my story of wanting to quit Corporate America so badly that my hair was falling out and I was hardly eating. I ended up with kidney stones and depressed. It has allowed me to fulfill my dreams of being an artist, learning graphic design, and sharing my testimony. It has also afforded me the opportunity to show my children and husband what creating ”your legacy” looks like. If you want to be part of something that does not exist in your field, you must create it. Writing has allowed me to gain confidence in my work, my business, and with my associates. It has afforded me the ability to overcome meaningless work, shallow relationships, and shyness in a great way! Writing for me is therapy and is truly an outlet to share my voice, when my voice is often quiet and subdued. Writing has allowed me to also help “save others” who are depressed because of unfulfilling careers and dead-end dreams. It has helped me be an inspiration in my creative community of entrepreneurs. I am forever grateful.

What type of books do you write? Why did you decide on this genre?

We consider our book series to be an “inspirational business anthology.” It touches on so many things from personal testament, testimony, and career advice to life events, loss, and great successes. It is quite an inspiring, vibrant, and diverse collection of stories. I am very proud of our coauthors.

Which character are you most like in your recent book?

Myself. I write in the first person.

Think of one of your characters from your books. Now think of an infamous celebrity, past or present. How would your character feel about this not-so-good celebrity and why?

I really do not follow celebrities and all that drama. I just don’t. I follow Oprah and Steve Harvey as well as T. D. Jakes, that is all.

Do you have any books coming out soon or future projects you would like to share with us?

Right now, I am preparing for my upcoming participation in the Elgin Fringe Festival, an art show at our local mayor’s office in Hanover Park, IL, and a few exciting events surrounding the TEW book series called “TEW Beyond the Book.”

How can we stay in touch with you?

Find me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook: and


What would you tell your 21-year-old self?

Don’t get married so young; live a little; don’t blame yourself for dropping out of art school and move on in the direction of your dreams. Oh, and steer clear of Corporate America and start a business!

I start my day with . . .

Prayer, good thoughts, breakfast with the kids and hubby, a quick check of e-mail and Facebook, then off to Starbucks for coffee and LA Fitness for exercise!

 If you could invite any woman to dinner, who would it be?

Oprah. Absolutely! I would have dinner with her at Wildfire, and run our OWN segment of Super Soul Sunday!

Best advice you have received?

My mom once said, “Everything happens for a reason, just believe.” I absolutely love that quote, during good times and bad!

Life motto you live by?

“Let’s Get Cre8ive!” Create with your hands what you feel in your heart!


Creative, The Entrepreneur Within You, tewyou, Super Soul Sunday, corporate America, Oprah, Steve Harvey, verbal abuse, harassment, Chicago, inspiration, motivator

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