Goal Planning Tips to use for 2022

Goal Planning Tips to use for 2022

The new year is fast approaching, which means it’s about time to set new year goals and resolutions. However, while many of us are determined and quick to set goals, research says that more than 80% of people give up on their resolutions by the first week of February. That is why I want to talk about goal planning tips.

Think about your last year’s goals. Did you achieve them? If yes, congratulations. If not, there is still hope. The good thing about a new year is that it gives us a fresh start.

So, this time, you can be wiser than before when setting your goals. Here are some goal planning tips to help you set New Year’s goals.

#1. Choose a Goal That Excites You and Be Specific

Many people give up on their goals because they don’t find it exciting to pursue them. However, choosing a goal that you feel excited to pursue gives you more determination.

It could be starting a business, losing weight, writing a book, paying off your debt, etc. The important thing is to ensure that the goal propels you to achieve personal growth and happiness.

Also, be as specific with your goals as possible. For instance, rather than just purposing to pay off your debt, you can purpose to pay it by 30% within the first two months. Again, instead of planning to be a millionaire, your goal can be to develop a business that generates $500 per month.

Setting a SMART goal helps you determine what you want to achieve and how to achieve it.

Related article: Jump-start Your Goals for the New Year

#2. Write Down and Review Your Goals Periodically

Knowing what you want to achieve is one thing. But writing it down is another. Goals that aren’t written quickly fail. So, write them where you can see them regularly. For example, you can stick them at your bathroom mirror, fix them on your fridge, take a photo of your resolution and use it as your smartphone’s or computer’s screen saver, etc.

Also, once you start working towards your resolutions, ensure that you review them regularly to know where you stand at. Measuring your progress helps your brain see the results even before achieving them. As such, it motivates you to keep working hard and smart.

#3. Create Goals for Different Areas of Your Life

Most people usually focus on getting their finances together. As such, many tend to ignore other areas of their life. But you need to balance all aspects. So other than finances, also set resolutions for your health and fitness, relationship, spiritual life, and work.

Additionally, we advise that you set realistic and attainable goals. Sure losing 40 pounds, starting a business that brings $3000 per month, or getting a new job and better salary are great resolutions.

But, ensure you set a goal that you can achieve in 12 months. It’s better to work on small goals that you can accomplish than a big goal involving many steps.

#4. Set Systems and Processes in Place

Motivation alone will not help you achieve your goal. But it will stir you to it. For instance, if your goal is to lose 5 pounds every week, you need to have a system and strategy that supports this. It could include cutting high-calorie foods, drinking more water, exercising, and eating more proteins and green leafy vegetables.

Related articles: Three Ways to Set New Goals

#5. Set a Deadline

Having a deadline will push you to work towards your resolutions. If it’s narrow, it will help you avoid wasting time and focus on that goal. But if you give yourself a whole year to accomplish, you will take a year.

Final Thoughts

Lastly, don’t compare your progress to other people. Doing that will make you doubt yourself and your abilities.

Also, remember to reward yourself for achieving a goal. Set out a movie night with your friends, or take that power nap on the weekend.

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