Holiday Downtime and How to Spend it!

christmas_giving’Tis the season for tons of laughter and relaxation with family and friends. Make the most of the holiday downtime by engaging in activities you don’t normally have time for. A few suggestions are below!


Are you passionate about a specific topic? Create that website, blog, or vlog you’ve been thinking about but have been putting off. and are great online tools to start building your voice. Or express your thoughts through more private mediums such as journaling, poetry, or song lyrics. Either way, releasing your feelings will definitely take some emotional weight off your shoulders!


Cozy up in front of the fireplace with an enlightening book—perhaps a biography or memoir of a public figure that you admire. If you’re looking for something short and sweet, Richard Carlson’s Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and It’s All Small Stuff is a quick read with some truly inspiring words of wisdom and daily action items!


Register for a dance, spin, or high-volume cardio class at your local gym. Or take a morning jog in your neighborhood or local park. The endorphins will get your heart rate pumping and will clear your mind of useless chatter and clutter!


Create a scrumptious dish for your loved ones. If you need some holiday-inspired meals, reference Ree Drummond’s NY Times top 20 cookbook The Pioneer Woman Cooks: A Year of Holidays.


This could be as simple as going through your closet and packing up clothes and shoes to donate. However, if you have the time, spend the day volunteering. Local food pantries, public libraries, nursing homes, and animal shelters are always looking for an extra hand!


If you average significantly less than seven hours of sleep a night, use the holiday season to catch up on some much-needed zzzs. Sleep is a key factor in maintaining both your mental and physical health!

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