How Becoming a “Runner” Improved my Life

It is amazing what your body can do.

I found this out when I became a “runner.” I put quotes around runner because I don’t consider myself a marathon runner or anything close to that; I just consistently go for runs three times a week. Through running I have learned a lot about my body, have become healthier, and have strengthened my relationships with myself and my partner.

My new relationship has been a motivation to take my running to the next level. My new man is extremely active; fitness and being healthy is very important to him. Now, to my credit, I did go to the gym and for runs before meeting him, although I was not consistent by any means. My boyfriend has taught me the many positive things you can get from regular exercise. From the start we set a goal of three runs a week, although we would allow our schedules to decide the days we went. This allows for flexibility, but having a straight goal keeps me consistent. The first three months I hated my runs. I dreaded going, never did warm-ups, would complain, and pushed for extra breaks and shortcuts. Then, about three months in something clicked. I remember while on a run a switch flipped in my mind, and I realized I liked running, and that I needed to do it. It wasn’t that hard anymore but rather a challenge that my body was accepting and thankful for. The benefits paid off; I started losing weight and toning my muscles in no time. When I started running I was a size 8, now I am a size 2. I lost all that weight in 7 months, without going to the gym (I actually canceled my membership) and without going on any crazy diets. My weight loss took me pleasantly by surprise.

Prior to running, my diet consisted of cheapish delicious, rich food, sprinkled with actual whole foods (actual whole food is food that isn’t processed). Since my body has started to change from running, so have the foods I put in my mouth. I reversed my eating to mainly actual whole foods, but I still allow myself the other food on special occasions. I take time to think about everything I put in my mouth. I make sure each meal includes a protein of some sort, limit snacking to little or none, and aim to eat a leafy green once a day.

Constantly running has taught me so much about my body and the true power I have.

There are days when my usual route is super easy, I make great time, and barely lose my breath. But there are other times that my usual route is the hardest thing I have ever done, I feel new pain in various parts of my body and I can hardly catch my breath. But the important thing is that I always go. I always push myself no matter how I feel. The rewards are endless and I have seen this firsthand.

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