How I Run a Six-Figure Business and a Family of Five

Learn how to find your balance as a mompreneur.

If I can do it, so can you!

Being a mompreneur is about so much more than the hustle.

It’s about manifesting the life of your dreams through proper planning, taking action, and knowing when and how to rest. As someone with two six-figure businesses, three kids, and a fiancé, I’ve learned that resting is essential to my productivity and overall happiness!

When I first started my businesses over ten years ago, I was on a mission to be successful. I wanted to be able to provide for my family without being a W-2 worker. I wanted to love what I did for a living and who I worked with. Becoming a mompreneur wasn’t easy as it took manifestation and hard work to achieve my goals.

But here I am, living my best life and enjoying the fruits of my labor without giving up and without standing in my own way. And if I can do it, girl, I know you can, too!

It’s all about balance.

Here’s my secret to running a six-figure business, a six-figure career, and a family of five…I’ve created balance between my Boss life and my personal life.

I made healthy routines and boundaries to make space for my self-care. Because when you aren’t taking care of yourself, it’s nearly impossible to take care of anything else!

I know you probably hear the word “balance” a lot. But you’ve probably wondered, “How can I apply balance to mylife?”

Here are my three tried-and-true ways to invite balance into your life.

Top 3 tips to balance your work and life as a mompreneur.

1. Discover what balance means to you

What does your dream life look like? How would an ordinary day in your dream life play out? I want you to know it’s 100% possible to bring your dreams to life!

Start by making a list of everything important to you. What takes priority? Working on your business at noon? Spending more time with your kids? How would your routine look each day if you were putting those needs first? Build your list around them.

Remember: It’s your life, so create a list of the things you need to balance for yourself!

Don’t forget to include affirmations to manifest them. My favorite affirmations for balance are:

  • I dream about my life and then watch it manifest.
  • My mind is focused and ready to receive blessings that await me.
  • I make no apologies for putting myself and my goals first.
2. Create a routine and stick to it

A lot of becoming a successful CEO mom is making a plan, writing it down and getting it done!

To grow your business and still enjoy your life, you have to make a routine that serves that purpose.

Your daily routine should promote healthy boundaries and productivity so by the end of the day you feel accomplished instead of exhausted.

Just like the last tip, make a to-do list each day of the items you can reasonably complete to bring you closer to your goals.

I recommend your routine include things like: Taking breaks to rest; scheduling events ahead of time; prepping meals for yourself and kids; doing hobbies you like; sticking to your work hours; and making time for your family without work interruptions.

As long as your routine is fulfilling you and not draining you, you’re on your way to manifesting the balance you deserve!

3. Find your tribe for a strong support system

It’s so important to remember that you can’t achieve balance alone. You need to surround yourself with like-minded moms and women entrepreneurs who will pour support, wisdom, and love into you when you need it most.

I know it’s not easy balancing your work and life as a mom entrepreneur. That’s why I created a safe space for you to network with other Boss moms, and learn tips and tricks to be productive!

Manifest the life you want, Mama!

Being a mom and entrepreneur can be difficult but, I promise you, once you bring balance to your life, you’ll be able to not only survive but thrive!

Manifesting balance for myself has helped me to create the life of my dreams, build a career that I own and adore, and spend more quality time with my family.

I want the same for you! It’s only the start of #hotBossSummer and we’re done playing it safe when it comes to what we want.

It’s time to manifest the life you deserve and manifest your profits to enjoy it to the fullest!

Want to learn how? Enroll today in my “Manifest Your Profits” mini-course to access all the tools you need to create balance and transform your mindset!

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