How Meditation can Change Your Life, Busy Moms Included

Meditation is one of those words that you either embrace or run from; kinda like yoga. For years, several friends of mine have encouraged me to try meditation to help my anxiety, but I was always against it. 

The truth is: My OCD and anxiety has been through the roof for the past year or so. My brain is constantly on overload worrying about my children’s future, what’s for dinner, am I doing enough before I turn another milestone age, did I clean up the kitchen before leaving this morning, am I going to catch COVID in this boxing class, where did I leave my favorite shoe, should I do the laundry today or save for Friday? Literally, it never turns off and if I’m working with those thoughts a panic attack arises and I completely shut down. I am unable to focus, concentrate on any computer work and end up walking away and doing household chores. I knew I needed help! 

I was exhausted from living this way. I was overwhelmed at always worrying and always needing everything to be perfectly aligned. I needed a change – I needed peace. 

Mental Health among the black community is not often spoken about and for so long I didn’t know I even had a problem. I knew that something was off, but I had no idea that it had a medical diagnosis. After going to the doctor, yet again, for another panic attack that I thought was a heart attack, I was assigned a social worker and a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist explained to me that my anxiety is so severe, that if I don’t get it under control I will need to be placed on medicine to avoid any physical effects. 

I couldn’t do that to myself. I am a non-believer of taking any medical drugs unless absolutely necessary. Over brunch with a close friend of mine, Sarah, I vented about my problems and she informed me that she was actually a Meditation Health Coach. She could create a short audio file that would help my anxiety and stress. She listened carefully and in a non-judgmental caring tone shared her concerns, that if I don’t fix this immediately I would be at risk for severe problems caused by stress. 

A few days later, as promised I received my meditation audio file and I have been a different person ever since. My favorite part of the meditation was to imagine a balloon and to blow my stress into the balloon and visualize it drifting far away. Now, being a busy CEO mom I have tons of stress. So you can imagine how many balloons that I had that first session. However, over the course of doing this exercise my balloons decreased. I do this exercise daily (every morning and every night). 

I release my stress. I release my worry. I release my anger. I release my pain. 



Outside of meditation, I also signed up for 1:1 therapy, joined a kick-boxing class and ensured myself that I take a walk around the block everyday. Meditation has made me feel calmer, more peaceful to tackle my days and weeks. I feel mentally stronger. I’m a nicer person to myself and my family. Even now, I am able to write this article while sipping on my coffee and plan lunch later. There was a time before where I would have been unable to successfully complete this article without a panic attack. 

I have mustered the courage to take control of my mental health and kick anxiety’s ass. I am writing this post to let you know that if you are suffering from anxiety or depression you are not alone. Reach out to your doctor or mental health clinic for help. 

I was lucky to have such an amazing supportive friend in my corner, Sarah who gave me such a wonderful gift. An introduction to Meditation on my own terms. I am paying it forward and sharing her with my community for anyone who needs help just as I did. 

Related link: xoSelf: Mediation Hacks to keep My Sanity



My name is Sarah Manna. I am a certified Meditation Practitioner, licensed Health Coach, and a Reiki Master. I am the owner of Happy Corner Practice located in Westchester County, NY. 

“Meditation is for everyone, no matter your age or what your experience level is. Meditation is proven to help with mental health issues, chronic pain and inflammation, lack of sleep, cardiovascular disease, sharpened focus, stress, anxiety and depression, and can help you find joy and purpose and gain a positive outlook on life. No matter if you are a beginner or have done meditation for years, you will benefit from practicing meditation regularly.” 


Contact information


Phone: (646) 287-0884


Listen to a free 15 minute “Letting Go of Worries & Anxiety” Meditation Sample

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