Ask the Virgo Girl: How to Properly Answer, ‘Why Should I Hire You’?!

how to answer the question why should we hire you

Missy B. Salick. Virgo Girl’s Editor-in-Chief is passionate about helping creative’s and small businesses turn their passion into profit. Here, she shares advice on all things business. 


I have been following you since day one. I’m so happy that you’ve finally started accepting questions to help us small-business owners. I launched a small graphic design firm six months ago starting with friends and family that then turned into word-of-mouth clients. I’ve been doing very well and decided to expand to local small businesses in my area. The biggest question I keep getting is “why should I hire you?” and I truthfully don’t know how to answer.

Advice from Missy: Congratulations on starting your business. That is such an amazing accomplishment. Kudos for taking the first steps and launching. “Why should I hire you?” is one of the most-asked questions when you’re a business owner selling a service and seeking clients. Just as if you were interviewing for your dream job, the question always gives you a nervous, anxious feeling because you don’t quite know what to say. The best policy is, to be honest.

Remember you are a business owner, you’ve accomplished so much, so don’t let this question stand in the way of your securing the client. Reveal your experience, previous clients/projects, but also tell the potential client more about yourself and why you would be the best fit for them and their project. Spend some time researching the company and their needs beforehand and drop some of this knowledge in your answer. And remember, be confident in your ability to do the job

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