How to Build a Support Network While Running a Business

We all need support networks. Friends, family, colleagues. They’re there to give moral support, advice, or even just to share your highs and lows. However, when you’re running your own business, especially a small business, it’s easy to get isolated on your own little island. With how unpredictable the world is these days, most of us have lost people from our networks.

We’re here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be lonely at the top. Being an entrepreneur shouldn’t stop you from having a reliable network.

Here are few tips to building a stronger network.

1. Reconnect with Old Friends

Here’s the good news; it’s not just you. Recent studies show that we are in a “friendship recession”, with two-thirds of adults actively looking to find more friends. So many people grew apart due to the pandemic, so don’t feel embarrassed about feeling like you don’t have enough friends. More people could be willing to connect than you might expect.

The first point of reference should be the people you already know. Scroll through your contacts list and see if there are old acquaintances whom you like but you haven’t spoken to in a while. It could be an old classmate from school, that neighbour you haven’t spoken to in a while, someone you met at a work event or a yoga class. Take the leap and reach out and ask to meet up.

2. Expand Your Existing Circles

The next step is to use your existing circles as a launching pad. Let’s say you have three friends who support you in your business pursuits. Each of these three people know other people who you haven’t met but may have similar values as you. Ask the people in your circle to make introductions and let you meet people in their circles. Those people might be strangers, but you already have the foundation of a mutual friend to start with.

Related link: Friend Rules for Adult Life After Thirty

3. Try New Groups

You could also try to enter entirely new social circles. If you want to know more women in business, sign up for local networking events and workshops. Even an online conference may be enough for you to get a few new contacts.

This isn’t limited to just entrepreneurship circles. Try that new sport or hobby you’ve been saying you’ll try for the past two years. Sign up for a group class or volunteer at your local community center. Join a Facebook group. Whether you’d prefer a book club or a hiking group, there’s usually a social group for every hobby. This way, you’ll be surrounded by people who already have something in common with you.

4. Be Picky

This may sound counterintuitive, but it’s okay to end friendships and connections if you’re incompatible. When it comes to making lasting connections, it’s quality over quantity. Meeting people is the easy part. The hard part is deciding who is worth sticking with long-term. You have to pay attention to their values and goals and see if they align with yours.


We get it. It’s hard to make new friendships and connections as an adult. With these tips and a little effort, you can build a stronger network while also running your business.

Cynthia Kinyera is a freelance writer specialising in women’s wellness. She uses her easy-flowing prose and digital marketing skills to craft engaging high-converting content. Find out more about her work at

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