How to Create Healthy Mindset Habits | Your Roadmap to Manifest Your Dream Life

It’s never too late to change your mind and change your life! Here’s how you do it…


You’ve heard the saying, “If you believe it, you can achieve it,” right?

Maybe you’re thinking it’s too vague to be put to practical use…well, think again, mama. No, seriously, think again!

The very first step in manifestation is having a healthy mindset that’s open to the universe and its blessings for you.

When you think highly of yourself and your ability to achieve your goals, your actions naturally follow suit. Ever said aloud, “I’m going to have a good day,” and then you had a great one by getting up early, being productive, and making the space for self-care, too? You just spoke an affirmation and manifested it for yourself!


Read: 75 Morning Affirmations to Make It Happen Today!


If you put that same mindset towards other goals, like starting your own business or scaling the one you already run, you’re able to make it happen.

Not sure where to start? Welcome to your Roadmap to Manifest Your Dream Life! In this blog post, we’ll cover the four essential steps to create a healthy mindset and change your life for the better.

Ready to head into 2024 a new you? Let’s get started!


Step 1: Shift your mindset from closed to open

This may sound obvious, but hear me out. Have you ever been presented with an opportunity you wanted, but your first thought was, “I don’t think I can do this” or “I’m not sure if this is for me?”

Those negative thoughts are what we call a closed mindset where doubt or uncertainty are the main emotions you believe about yourself and your ability.

To shift to an open mindset, a.k.a. where trust and love are your main emotions, try affirmations to speak life into yourself and fuel your confidence.

Instead of “I don’t think I can do this,” say aloud to yourself, “I am made to do this and I have what it takes to see it through.” Then replace “I’m not sure if this is for me” with “I define who I am and what I am capable of every day.”

Remember: Sometimes the road to achieving our goals can get difficult, but you can do difficult things, mama, because you’re strong!


Action Plan:

Write down the three biggest reasons you have yet to achieve your goals and then for each reason, write an affirmation that challenges it and motivates you.


Step 2: Make productivity a priority

“Getting productive” sounds like an overused buzzword, we know, but there’s still so much value in understanding what tasks you should do each day to not only achieve your goals, but enrich your day-to-day life.

That’s because being productive isn’t always writing out to-do lists for your business—sometimes it’s simply taking a hot shower at the end of a long day or cooking yourself a healthy meal to enjoy alone

Here’s the thing, mama: When you make the time for self-care in any aspect, you are prioritizing your productivity and overall wellness.

And that’s important to unlocking the energy you need to go after your goals because when you feel good, you do good!

Action Plan:

When writing your weekly or daily to-do list, add one self-care task to complete to reward yourself for a job well done.


Step 3: Set healthy boundaries at work and home

There’s nothing better than knowing your limits so you can:

  1. Encourage yourself to have standards that you and everyone around you should meet.
  2. Tell others “yes” when you can and “no” when you cannot.

As moms and business women, it’s easy to fall into trying to do it all by yourself. But the only thing that gives you in return is burnout—and when that happens, all you can do is put a pause on productivity until you’re recovered enough to get back to work.

If you ever find yourself getting caught in that vicious cycle (a.k.a. work hard, burnout, take a long break that hinders your progress, repeat), it’s time you set healthy boundaries for yourself.

For example, if your morning routine is getting up at 6 a.m. and skipping breakfast to get your kids ready for school before you head to work, try preparing your breakfast the night before (overnight oats, boiled eggs, and fruit packs are life-savers!) to eat in the morning before the day begins to charge yourself so you can tackle it!


Action Plan:

Think about your daily routines at work and home and where you may be overexerting yourself. Take the time to plan positive routines that inspire you to work smarter, not harder.


Step 4: Manifest, manifest, manifest

As you may have gathered by now, I believe manifestation is much more than wishing on a star. It’s setting yourself up for success with practical steps to take each day until you reach your goals!

Manifestation begins with believing you have all the tools in your power to succeed, and ends with using those tools to build your dream life.

So, what are some tools you need to manifest?

  • Whether it’s to start a family business or travel the world, get specific about what you want for your life.
  • Pen and paper. Grab a journal and write down your goals! And don’t just write it and forget it—refer to it daily or weekly to motivate yourself along the way.
  • Positive affirmations. Open yourself to receive everything good the universe has in store for you. A couple of my favorite affirmations are: “I confidently and fearlessly believe in myself” and “’I am worthy of success.”
  • Nothing worth having comes easy, mama. So trust yourself, the process, and your ability to see this through.



You deserve everything you ever wished for, girl. Take this as your sign: The time is now to turn wishing into doing!

Do the hard things. Do the work. Do what’s right for you as you build a healthy mindset to finally make your dreams come true.

If you need help, you know I got your back! It’s my passion to help women just like you to find their self-confidence and manifest your dream life by turning your passion into profit.

How? By manifesting your profits! I encourage you to enroll in my course to do just that. You’ll learn in-depth yet easy-to-apply action steps to shift your mindset, build healthy routines, and start earning money your way.

Ready to get started? Enroll in the Healthy Mindset Habits to Manifest Your Profits course here!


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2 thoughts on “How to Create Healthy Mindset Habits | Your Roadmap to Manifest Your Dream Life”

  1. Awesome tips for creating a healthy mindset. Alot of people don’t realize your mind has to be heatlhy first to get the motivation to make your body and everything else healthy. Thanks for shedding light on the subject.

  2. I am leaning more into the manifestation and changing my mindset. I have a long road ahead of me, but glad I stumbled across your site. This helped me alot!

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