What the Hell do You do Again?


Have you ever thoroughly explained your business to someone only to be stared at with a confused look or have someone say hey – explain what you do again? And you are left with the look of defeat and you know everything you just said went out the other ear of this person. YES! You know who I am talking about. Lucky for me I have been on both sides of the playing field. The side of not knowing what the hell this person was talking about and explaining my business to deaf ears. I quickly learned that your business pitch should not only be less than sixty seconds, but it should also in layman terms.

So, what happens if you run a service-based business that offers multiple services and has a variety of target markets? Simple. You pitch the service that the person in front of you would benefit from.

I run a digital consulting firm that offers small business and creative artists a variety of business services to help start and grow their business such as social media management, blog writing, business coaching, consulting and more. A mouthful right?

Trust me that wasn’t the end, I could have gone on and on. In the beginning, I would have said all of that plus more and then I would have gotten the deer caught in the headlight look. I knew from several lost looks that I needed to simplify my pitch and put it in layman terms.

Now when people ask what I do I say, I turn the conversation to them and ask who they are and what they do. After I found out, it’s my turn again to tailor to their needs. If this person is an author, here’s my pitch I run a digital consulting firm that specializes in helping authors with social media management by increasing their online visibility and connecting with their audience. I explained what I do, included his business in the pitch and what I could do for him. Gaining intrigue and curiosity from the potential client on wanting to hear more.

The harsh reality is that everyone you will meet is on their hustle and grind. The person you will try to network and sale your business/product with could care less about your business unless it benefits them. From the fancy suit wearer who has been in business for over twenty years and could close a deal in ten minutes, to the newbie entrepreneur who decided to turn his passion into profit a week ago. They all have a need for something, just like you have a need to sell something. Find out the need and match your product/service.

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