How to Get That Really Cool Social Media Coordinator Job

Hey, so are you tired of wondering how people get these really cool jobs, at these really cool companies? I mean something like being a Social Media Coordinator, who gets paid to play on social media all day. With billions of people on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram daily, we should all be rich right? Believe it or not, there is actually a technique behind managing a social media account. If you want an account to be beneficial for your business and brand you have to put in the work. In return, hiring a professional to get the results you want.

First off what does a Social Media Coordinator do exactly and how do you qualify? A Social Media Coordinator must be able to:

Customer Service

You must be a people person. You love to meet and interact with them. As a Social Media Coordinator, you will spend hours on end, interacting, engaging, answering questions from customers and getting to know your customer base. Update changes as they happen within the company. Keep the audience abreast to sales and promotion specials.  Especially around the peak seasons.


Content is a big part of being a Social Media Coordinator. You must, must have great writing skills. You will be needed to provide consistent and valuable content for the company. You will be writing across multiple platforms from blogs to provide updated posts for Twitter, Instagram and other handles your company has. The audience current and new wants relevant content.


While every person can pretty much post, Tweet and share a photo themselves, not all of them know how to utilize social media for profit purposes. This is where you come in. Your job is to show them how and produce results. Create a strategy for each social media handle and explain how each one can be beneficial to the growth of their business.

Have a personality

Keyword to the job title, social – be a social person. Outgoing, fun, with a sense of humor. Do not apply to be a social media coordinator and you have zero personality or people skills. You may think, hey I’m behind a computer who can see my personality, trust me people can see it with your words and interaction. They will be able to tell if you are a bore.


While larger corporations will want you to have a marketing or business degree, there are some companies who will hire you based on your experience and results. Have a proven track record that you can do what you say. Start with your personal account and stand out. Freshen up your skills by registering for a class on digital strategy, marketing, and/or social media.

A bonus skill to have would be being able to contribute to the design of visuals for content posts.

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