Ask The Virgo Girl: How to Have More Time in a 24-hour Day 

How to Have More Time in a 24-hour Day 

Missy B. Salick. Virgo Girl’s Editor-in-Chief is passionate about helping creative’s and small businesses turn their passion into profit. She just launched The Virgo Girl Coaching, an extension of the lifestyle blog The Virgo Girl. 

Here, she shares advice on all things business. 


How do I find the time to start my business? From the time I wake up until I close my eyes at night, I am constantly on the move and doing something. Gym, work, kids, husband, personal life. I have no idea how to create a healthy balance. It’s almost six months into the year and I am nowhere near accomplishing my goal of starting my home-made business this year. How do I find the time when there is none left?

Advice from Missy: The saying goes, we all have the same time in a day as Beyoncé or Oprah. If they can do it we can too, right?

There are 24 hours in each day and 168 hours in a week. Start by writing what you are doing in your day. You would be surprised at how much downtime you actually have where you are on social media, watching a rerun, a new Netflix series/movie, chatting on the phone or sleeping. Yes, sleep is essential but as a creativepreneur our need to sleep is set up differently. I rarely go to bed on the same day I woke up, because nighttime (with kids) is the best time to get shit done. Coffee and high-energy smoothies will soon become your best friend.

Think about what you need to accomplish in your day, what can be pushed to another day. Time management is one of the hardest challenges to becoming and being an entrepreneur, as you never have a large amount of time to do what needs to be done. It’s impossible to do everything and be everywhere; on any given day you will fail at something and you will succeed at something, it all just boils down to what. What will you succeed at today?


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