How to Make Money from your Blog by Writing Amazing Content

When you start a blog you dream of ways you could make money through your blog. It is no easy task, but people and businesses seem to do it all the time. Companies like Mashable and Buzzfeed are successful because they focus on creating content that is relevant and visually appealing. Self made bloggers like Tim Ferris and Shama Hyder have turned their blogs into businesses by creating content that targets a specific niche.

The thing these blogs, and all successful blogs have in common is they create content their audiences want to read. We are going to share a few tips on how you can write amazing content and start making money through your blog.

Write content that targets a specific niche

There are thousands upon thousands of blogs out there today. It is important to ask yourself “how does your blog differ?” Your blog’s content should solve a specific problem, and target specific people. It is better to write an article and get 5 good leads, than 100 dead end leads.

For example, the Virgo Girl Media blog helps authors, bloggers and creative artists to grow their social networks through digital means. Everything piece of content we write focuses on our niche of how authors, bloggers and creative artists can grow through digital marketing.

Create content that your audience wants to read

In order to make money through your blog, you have to write some darn good articles. Once you have figured out your blog’s niche, you need to get on the content creating train. Here are a few tricks to creating amazing content:

  • Plan out your articles in advance with a content calendar
  • Every article should solve a specific problem
  • Ask yourself if you find what you’re writing helpful?
  • Allow yourself time to re-read and tweak your articles before you publish them
  • Ask a colleague to proofread your articles before you post
  • Use free on-line tools like coschedule and picmonkey to help you create the most impactful blog titles and images

Gain credibility

So now your blog has a specific niche and your content is worth reading, next you want to make your audience trust you. Take some time to create premium content, like ebooks or infographics. Premium content is a great way to share your knowledge and give your audience something of value.

Another way to gain credibility and make money through your blog is to look into guest posting. If you can get your content on larger more established sites, this can direct new readers to your blog.

By trying our tips for creating amazing content, you will be giving your audience what they want, and in turn your audience will become your customers.

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