How to Master the Perfect Instagram Bio for Creative Businesses

Goal: Write an Instagram bio that will make an impression and draw in followers!

Instagram, the social media platform that is quickly making millionaires and overnight stars. If you’re a creativepreneur, Instagram is a great platform for you to be on to market your business. Writing your bio may seem simple, but in fact, you should take just as much time and thought on it as you would your regular content posts.

Your Instagram bio is your first impression on a potential follower. And followers have short attention spans, especially the ones who are buying.

Here are some tips to master creating your Instagram bio.

Tip #1: Your Name

People who know of your business and want to follow you on Instagram will search for your business name. Make sure your IG name is the same as your company’s name or as close to it as possible.

Remember: You will lose a potential follower/customer if they have to search too hard to find you.

Tip #2: Your Website

A professional Instagram page accurately lists your professional website page. It kills me to see so many IG business pages that have websites, but list other sites for their website page. I understand if you’re marketing an event or other happening that is increasing your revenue bank. But keep in mind that IG only gives you one opportunity to click a URL. Use that link wisely. Would you rather drive traffic to your site or to someone else? Think of what value you are getting from the link you include in your bio.

Tip #3: Your Bio

Ahh, what to say, what to say . . . Writing the perfect IG bio in 150 characters or less can always be challenging. I always tell my clients to keep it simple. Try and describe your business in one sentence. Your second sentence should be a call to action, email, or contact us for XYZ.

Include your email address and location. Location is very important for potential partnership opportunities. Don’t make someone have to go research where your business is located.

Tip #4: Formatting Your Bio

Have fun with the way your bio looks. After all, it is still a social place, therefore it doesn’t have to look as serious as you think. Textizer is a great app that allows you to change your Instagram fonts.

Check out @beatfacehoney who adds cool emojis to give her bio some color.

To add line breaks and spacing you can pre-type your caption in your notes pad and press return after each section that you want a break or log into your web version and type “Return” in your bio where you want it.

@theEveryGirl includes their branded #hashtag (#theeverygirl), giving you a call to action to use this when you engage or repost their content.

If your business is pretty self-explanatory you can use your bio to include more pertinent information such as the address, hours, and call-to-action rules for booking, look at @Nailson7th or LashesbyLena for examples.


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