How to Monetize Your Blog in 4 Steps

Everyone likes money. You’re a working mama, so I know you do!

Money provides for your children’s needs like new school clothes and toys. It funds your emergency account for those unexpected trips to the car repair shop. And it allows you to give back to yourself, whether it’s a much-needed spa day or a week vacation in Jamaica. I mention the beautiful island because that’s where my husband and I took our children when we went on a lovely familymoon during the summer!

Financial security allows us opportunities like those, yet you might be thinking, “She could afford that with a blog business?”

The answer is yes!

While I am a serial entrepreneur, my blog is my passion as I’m committed to sharing everything, I know with you on how to create passive income and manifest your dream life.

So, if you have a blog and you’re wondering how to monetize it and finally start collecting cash, this blog post is for you.

Here’s how to monetize your blog and turn it into a business with my simple 4-step roadmap guide.

But before we get started…

If you haven’t created your blog yet, don’t worry! Read the post below on how to launch your blog business.

How to Start a Blog Business | Your Roadmap to Manifest a Blog & Make Money

Now let’s build your Blog Marketing Roadmap and make more money, mama!


Step 1: Pick your blog product

When you convert your blog into a business, every post becomes a product of your business.

Think about it: As you write for your blog, you have a plan of what to write, who it addresses, and what benefits the reader gains from it, right? If you said yes, then you’re already familiar with marketing your product!

Each blog post that you write has a theme and is intended to do the following:

  • Pique your reader’s interest
  • Nurture their concerns
  • Offer solutions to them to solve those concerns

Your readers will likely want to learn more about how you can help them, and this is where you include calls-to-action (CTAs) to turn your blog post into a product.

A CTA is a sentence that urges your reader to take the next step in what they want to do: Solve their concerns!

Your CTAs should be featured in every blog at least 3 times as each CTA can generate revenue!

Here are calls-to-action to use to monetize your blog product:

  • Affiliate Links: Companies you sign up to become an affiliate with will provide you a link to their business for you to feature on your blog. When your reader clicks this link and purchases from the company, you earn a commission. Easy!
  • Sponsored Posts: A step up from affiliate links, sponsored posts feature another business on your blog to send your readers to, however, it’s in the form of a paid feature blog post. This post is about the owner and/or their business instead of a simple link.
  • Digital Products: One of my favorite ways to help my readers is providing digital goodies like workbooks and online courses. You can also host and sell workshops or subscriptions to a service!


  • Consulting: Speaking of service, offering a consultation to your readers to advise them on how to solve their concerns is another great way to share value with your readers.


Action Plan:

Identify which call-to-action best suits your blog and engages readers before you write your next blog post.



Step 2: Batch your blog content

Like any business, blog businesses only succeed if they are run like a well-oiled machine. Think of your blog as a conveyor belt: It doesn’t just produce one blog post at random times, right?

Or at least it shouldn’t if you want consistent revenue!

Your blog business should produce a steady stream of valuable blog content to keep your readers engaged.Remember: Consistency is key in monetizing your blog.

Batch your blog content and publish on a routine schedule. You can start by writing 5 blog posts to publish weekly, or step it up by writing 10 blog posts to publish twice a week biweekly.

In my experience, we live in an era of short attention spans with viewers being spoiled with consistent content (blame TikTok!). No shade, mama, but if you slack on publishing, you risk losing your audience.

This doesn’t mean you have to work yourself into the ground to write dozens of blog posts each month. What it means is hiring a professional writer to assist you with batching your content, so your blog business runs smoothly.

I recommend Words by Marian who is awesome at writing content and helping you deliver top quality content writing within a timely manner.

For more budget-friendly writing help, you can check out FIVER and Craigslist (just be wary that you get what you pay for).


Action Plan

Outline your next 10 blog posts. Take the time to research each topic and create SEO friendly headlines.

PRO BLOGGING MAMA TIP: The most current popular Google searches to increase your SEO are lists, tips, how-to’s, and trending topics like “healthy living,” “politics,” “sports,” “celebrities.” Always pick about topics that reflect your values and are fun for you to write about!

Not sure how to create the best blog content for your brand? Book a complimentary blog audit with me!

Learn how to capitalize on your most popular blog topics, AND how to create content batching systems and processes to equip your blog business for success.

Click here to learn more.


Step 3: Market your blog brand

How your blog brand resonates with your readers is just as important as the words you write as your brand is usually the first thing they notice when they stumble across your blog.

So that means your blog brand should be visible all over the internet, mama!

Before you start driving traffic to your blog (trust me, we’ll get there), you need to know where your readers hang out online so you can show up there, too. And that means understanding your readers as people.

Before you write your blog posts, you should spend a few minutes building your reader profile. It should include questions like:

  1. Who is my reader? What’s she like? What are her fears and dreams?
  2. What problem of hers do I hope to solve with this blog post?
  3. What benefits can I provide to help?
  4. What is the theme of my blog post (i.e. list, how-to, etc.)?
  5. What is my call-to-action?

From there, you can write your blog post.

Now you’re ready to market your blog brand! You can do this in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Send email newsletters promoting your recent blog post
  • Go live on Facebook or Instagram to host a free workshop that dives into your blog post’s tips and tricks (and always close by directing your readers to your blog)
  • Write value posts on LinkedIn that link to your blog

Each way you market your blog brand, you’re optimizing the way your viewers see and engage with your content. Depending on your analytics, the first time you post about your blog, only 1-2% of people in your audience are seeing it. This is why I recommend you market your blog brand and/or blog post once or twice a week.

If you use Instagram, start with this social media strategy:

  • At the beginning of the week, publish one standard feed post that relates to your blog post topic.
  • In the middle of the week, publish an Instagram story about you (so long as it matches the theme of your blog post) or your blog brand. For example, if your blog is for business moms, you can share a video of how you get work done while taking care of your kids.
  • At the end of the week, post a few polls to engage your readers with questions like how they spent their week or if they have weekend plans. On the last poll, include a link to your blog and/or blog post!

Content is queen so keep posting, Boss Lovely. You got this in the bag, for sure!


Action Plan

Write 3 social media posts to publish next week for your blog brand.


Step 4: Drive traffic to your blog

Did you know that blog posts alone won’t drive all the traffic to your blog that you need to sustain your business?

In order to monetize your blog, you’ll need to provide quality blog content and expand your digital footprint. Think of it as flyering your blog business online so more people visit your digital store!

Here are a few ways to drive traffic to your blog:

  • Write a Google review for services you’ve used that complement your brand and link your blog in the review.
  • Respond to questions on Quora that are related to your brand and reference back to your blog for more answers and solutions.
  • Create a budget-friendly Facebook and/or Instagram ad to boost traffic to your newest blog post.
  • Become a guest contributor to a popular blog you admire and that relates to your readers to include a backlink to your blog.
  • Partner with brands/businesses you referenced in your blog posts and ask them to share your blog post that mentioned their business.
  • Work with other blog businesses to feature your blog on their website with a sponsored post, like The EveryGirl and xoNicole.

Remember: It’s not a competition to make money as there’s enough for everyone!

I personally love featuring other women in business and I’m happy to write a spotlight feature on you and your blog business. So, let’s partner up! Don’t be shy, let’s build our empires, mama!


Action Plan

Choose two ways to drive traffic to your blog for the upcoming week.




As you can see, there are many moving parts to monetizing your blog. It’s not as simple as writing a blog post and publishing, or everyone would do it.

You have a unique skill to convey your thoughts to the world and turn them into bonafide solutions to help other women like you improve their lives. And that’s the best part about running a blog business—besides earning that money, honey!

The new year is almost here and you can make your dreams come true with a blog that makes money for you and your family. But don’t wait for 2024, mama. The 4 steps we covered to monetize your blog take around 6 weeks to become fruitful…and that means the time is now!

If you need help, you know I got you covered. I’m all about manifesting your goals into reality with easy action steps you can follow to turn your passion into profit.

Enroll in my Manifest Your Profit course to get started. You’ll learn my tried-and-true technique to set healthy boundaries, elevate your mindset, and scale your income to become the Boss Mom you are!

And since it’s my birthday month, I’m gifting my community with the Manifest Your Profits course for only $9.99!

Click here to get started. ✨

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