How to Organize your Home in 3 Non-Overwhelming Steps

It is so important to have a safe and comfortable place to lay your head at the end of a long workday. Being organized in your home is known to lower stress and help you be more organized in areas outside your home. Here are a few tips that will help keep your place in order:


Make your bed. This is probably the simplest tip. Making your bed is the first task you should complete each day. After you complete this task, more will follow. Making your bed also makes your room look cleaner, and it’s a great feeling to get into a made bed at the end of the day.

Start with organizing one area. We all have that messy “odds and ends” drawer that is a challenge to keep closed, or that cabinet we brace ourselves in front of to catch what falls out. Well, pick one such area and focus on it. Organize it completely, going through each item and only keeping the ones you use regularly. Once you have one area complete, move on to the next. This will keep you from getting overwhelmed, and you will actually organize your entire house, one area at a time.

Schedule times to clean. Literally put it on your calendar and stick to it! Scheduling days and times to clean will prevent you from cleaning all the time.


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