How to Publish a Book

How to Publish a Book

According to The New York Times, “81 percent of Americans feel they have a book in them….and they should write it.” Are you among the eighty-one percent of Americans with the idea of writing a publishing your first book? With over thirty publications already in print, eBook, audio, and translated to a foreign language, I know for sure that I’m one of them. Writing, publishing, and selling books have been an amazing experience for me, but it’s being an author that excites me the most.

Traveling the map and finally being able to meet the individuals who have been hanging onto my every word for years is priceless! After almost twenty years in the literary industry, it never gets old for me.

As of late, I’m noticing that while on author appearances, more and more of the readers who I used to look out into the audience and see, are now right next to me at their own six-foot table selling their own published books. Whenever I witness this, I can’t help but smile; smile and wonder if maybe it was something they’d read—something I’d written perhaps—that had inspired them to go from reader to author.

I strongly believe we all have a story to tell, a testimony to share, and a message to deliver. Former president Bill Clinton was quoted as saying, “Anybody over fifty owes it to his family to write down everything that’s happened during his life and pass it on.” I agree, but will add that we shouldn’t wait until we are fifty; as tomorrow is not promised. Whether delivered in fiction or non-fiction, photographs or family recipes, our stories need to be told . . . and sooner rather than later.


Related: 14 Creative Ways to Sell Your Self-Published Book


Whether it’s a book, workbook, how-to guide, journal, planner, calendar, book of quotes, jokes, poems, or scriptures, there is something we have inside of us that can help someone else.

Joylynn M. Ross

Our journey is not ours to feast on. It’s somebody else’s portion. That idea, thought, or concept . . . it’s not ours to keep for ourselves, but instead, a gift to share with others. It’s a gift that will change, alter, or save someone’s life.

I was a reader long before I was a writer. I can recall specific books that after reading I said to myself, “I want to be able to do that . . . utilize the power of the pen to penetrate people’s soul.” Even though writing and publishing a book was something I wanted to do, I didn’t know where to start, or how to continue and finish for that matter. Then once I did finally get started, I wasn’t sure if I was navigating the process correctly. Uncertainty tends to zap confidence, and confidence is a powerful force in both business and everyday life. Confidence can be the deciding factor in success or failure.

Needless to say, I made several mistakes along my literary journey. These mistakes cost me time and money. The money I could figure out a way to earn back eventually, but the time I spent making mistakes when I could have been with my family instead, is irreplaceable.

I did learn from my mistakes, though. Now I’m pretty confident when starting new literary projects and endeavors. I have far greater success with the projects I go into with confidence, versus the ones I don’t. I thought it would be a fantastic idea to help authors (aspiring, new, and vet) who are in the position I was once in avoid the mistakes I made. More importantly, I thought it would be even more valuable to equip them with the confidence and know-how to navigate the process of writing a book, publishing a book, selling a book, and building a book business.

Writing, publishing, and selling a book is hard work. Being an author and making a living as a writer is even harder at times. Like Mike Coker, founder of eBook distributor, says, “It takes a village to publish a book.” Well, if you are a reader desiring to turn author, your village awaits you at the three-day “Reader Turn Author” retreat that I will be hosting at M Resort-Spa-Casino in the STILL fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada on May 17-20, 2018.

Whether your literary project is still in your head, on a computer, scattered about on sticky notes, or already published, you’ll experience individualized guidance to help determine and achieve your literary goals. This will include both group coaching and one-on-one coaching with me.

Having been a traditionally published, self-published, POD (print on demand), and hybrid author as well as an editor (for both publishing houses and freelance), literary agent (clients with book deals with Simon and Schuster, Kensington, and Urban Books), literary consultant, publishing coach, and self-publishing companion, I’ve been on almost every corner of the literary map. So, who better to chauffeur other authors toward literary success?

With it being the New Year, nearly everyone has the task of losing weight written among their resolutions. For me, 2018 is not about making resolutions, but instead, it’s about finding solutions. With that I say, “Lose the WAIT!” Stop waiting to pen that book inside of you that you’ve been wanting to write and publish. If you’ve already written a book, then stop waiting to invest in the expertise of someone who can help you take your literary career to the next level. Lose the wait, and sign up for the “Reader Turn Author” all-inclusive three-day retreat in Las Vegas, Nevada. If writing and publishing a book is among your resolutions for 2018, then the “Author Turn Reader” retreat is your solution.

To learn more and to register, visit here.

I can’t wait to see you in Vegas, and I can’t wait to see you right next to me at your own six-foot table selling your published book! 


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