Ask the Virgo Girl: How to (Really) Workout Consistently

How to (Really) Workout Consistently

We are so excited to partner with Dr. Walter Hidalgo with a goal of being more socially aware. Here, he answers your questions and shares advice on life and wellness while living in a social media driven world.


I have seriously had a Planet Fitness membership and went to the gym exactly zero times. I’m a thick girl but not sloppy, I just want to tone up and get healthy. But my schedule is all over the place, trying to manage my work, business life, kids and whatever else is thrown my way make it impossible for me to really workout consistently. I don’t want to sound like another girl with excuses, but at the same time my time is limited. What can I do?

Advice from Dr. Walter Hidalgo: 

There’s two thing. One, at the end of every week you need to schedule your gym time in accordance to that schedule.  Like every other challenging thing in life; time, consistency and sacrifice are essential for you to get to wear you want to be.  Gym does not require too much time.  Since you are starting to get back into the gym routine that requires you to adjust your mind and body to a new tempo.  So, starting off 15 minutes of cardio for a few days each week for a few months is idea and not cumbersome.  Then, add more time (maybe 1/2 hour or 45 minutes when you feel you have a rhythm) and begin to add light weights until you eventually expand your gym time in accordance to your routine.  Some other things to consider is maybe working out from home a few times.  

Also, remember, cardio can be done without equipment or even going to the gym. Things like running in the park or doing body workouts (pushups, sit ups, squats, etc.) can just as easily give you the weight loss and muscle growth that you need if done consistently.  And secondly, and most importantly, watch what you eat.  I tell people that losing weight/getting sculpted is based on 40% gym and 60% food intake.  Eating healthy is extremely important especially if you have a job that demands that you sit all day in front of a computer. In other words, if you are not active at work is needed for you to maintain your metabolism and not feeding yourself the proper nutrients then you will not lose weight.  

A healthy lifestyle both at the gym and at work (and everything else in between) requires a balance of exercise and healthy eating habits.

Learn more about our NEW workshops: The Dos and Don’ts of Social Media with Dr. Walter Hidalgo

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