How to Remain Positive in a World Full of Chaos  

How to Remain Positive in a World Full of Chaos  

We are so excited to partner with Dr. Walter Hidalgo with a goal of being more socially aware. Here, he answers your questions and shares advice on life and wellness while living in a social media-driven world.


I’m over it! I’m over this world, over everyone around me and over this generation period. Don’t get me wrong I’m not suicidal and don’t have those thoughts. I’m just tired. I’m tired of living in a world full of chaos. To make it worst I live in New York City to its constant non-stop madness. Trump is out of his mind. Sexual harassment is at an all-time high. There is a high school shooting every month. Social media has given racists, celebrities and criminals, crooked cops and more a platform to do or say whatever and it goes viral – therefore there is no escaping the madness. The world has gone crazy and I don’t see it coming back anytime soon. How do I remain positive and hopeful in a world full of crazies?

Advice from Walter: Yes, the world is a crazy place and it appears even crazier when you are constantly checking your phone, social media and the television.  In other words, it sounds like you need to retreat!  Retreating is not a bad thing.  We all need to do it.  In war, retreating doesn’t mean you are surrendering but that you are stepping back in order to re-organize/strategize your next move.  I think taking a fast or going away somewhere to allow yourself to clear your mind and the surrounding noise of the city is healthy.  Fasting is not necessarily going away on a retreat in Costa Rica, for example, but instead, it can be taking 5 minutes out of your day to meditate or take a slow and small walk.

Or, how about picking up a hobby doing something that you love and brings joy into your life? Or, to take it up a notch…since the world is so bad (and it is), have you considered volunteering somewhere to help make it better?  Sometimes we blame the world for our problems but unfortunately, many of us don’t do anything about it.  You’d be surprised what little things you can do to help change our world and every time you do you will help bring balance to the world starting with yourself – and ultimately, change begins with you!

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