Ask The Virgo Girl: My Hubby Turned Vegan and it is Driving my Whole Family Crazy!!! 

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We are so excited to partner with Dr. Walter Hidalgo with a goal of being more socially aware. Here, he answers your questions and shares advice on life and wellness while living in a social media-driven world.


My husband recently decided he was going vegan and I completely support him and his newfound lifestyle. I told him I will make accommodations but the kids and I are not ready and personally don’t want to go that route. He said that was fine and would try and create a balance since both my kids and I love pork, beef, chicken, fish, etc. Sixty days in and I’m ready to almost get divorced. We are constantly arguing over food!

I’m a stay-at-home mom and cook three meals a day for our family. For breakfast I have tried to make the necessary adjustments to accommodate him, but not only is it more expensive to find items to feed a 250-pound man but the kids hate the food. I still cook bacon for them in the morning and he complains of the smell and us taking him away from his vegan lifestyle, that we should be eating this and that or not have it in the house or around him. It’s gotten so bad that now I have to feed the kids two hours before he comes home to get the smell out of the house and to cook his meals separate. I’ve tried to speak to him numerous times about his attitude but he doesn’t want to hear it and quickly dismisses me. I don’t want to get divorced over food, but this is where we’re headed because I don’t know what to do anymore. I can’t live like this and neither should the kids. Help!

Advice from Walter: This is challenging since the way to a man’s heart is food! Truth be told, I am a vegan myself but I am not picky nor do I intrude on other people’s food choices. Not to mention there are plenty of vegan options available that are so delicious you would never think it’s vegan (including bacon)!

But nevertheless, there needs to be a balance and that would involve a lot of dialogue, sacrifice, and education. Maybe he needs to eat out more to avoid forcing the rest of you to eat like he does. Or maybe you need to do more research on recipes that satisfy both of your taste buds. All in all, change is hard and a divorce should not be part of that change if you are willing to make the effort. It will not be easy nor be an overnight “success.” Change takes time.

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