How to Use a Facebook Page Effectively as your Website

Did you know that Facebook (FB) has over 2 billion users? So, it’s a great place for businesses to market themselves.

If you have a FB page, you can turn it into a website, whether for your business or personal use. This allows FB users to access the information you post on your wall directly and quickly. It is also a chance for your prospective customers to know about your business offerings, values, and other important information.

You can share your brand’s pictures and videos on your Facebook profile to promote your business. Learn more about how to use FB as your website from this guide.

FB is an under-utilized tool by many. See how to use it effectively as your website.

Facebook Page or Profile

Besides their profile, FB allows users to create a page. Consider using your Facebook page as your website as it includes various admins and will enable you to personalize information and posts. You can still use your Facebook profile as your website, only that the layout is casual hence not that suitable for a business.

Set up a Facebook page using your brand’s name or even yours if you like. Then make the Facebook URL look more like a website. Go to the username setting on the page and replace the existing one with a custom username.

Related article: How to Write the Perfect Facebook Post and Increase Traffic to Your Blog

Why Use Facebook as Your Web Page?
  • Provide More Information about Your Business

The standard website allows you to include specific information like an about us and contact us. You can also add this information on your FB page and even more. Under your profile picture, click “Info,” then click “edit info.”

You can again add your business’s location, address, and email. Additionally, if you want, you can add your personal information to make users know more about you.

Bear in mind that FB comes with different security settings. Thus, you can restrict some users depending on your target audience.

  • Media Sharing

The best thing about using FB as your website is that you can share photos and videos easily. You can post pictures, website links, or videos to your Facebook page and frequently change it to keep the visitors engaged.

You can even group your photos into an album and caption them with your target keywords. Plus, you don’t require any coding to post pictures on social media, unlike a regular website. Additionally, you can post anything on your wall to keep your page and FB users updated.

Why You May Not Want to Use Facebook as Your Website

Using Facebook as your website offers several advantages. However, it also comes with some drawbacks that you may want to consider. For example, you must set up a Facebook account to use your Facebook page. But, this will only take several minutes and can’t be compared to the time it takes to design a standard website.

Additionally, not all your customers or clients use FB even though it’s a popular social media channel. This means that you have to also rely on another method to reach these customers. Otherwise, you risk losing them.

Lastly, customizing a Facebook page is challenging compared to a website. As such, you cannot fully brand and personalize your page.

Related article: How to DIY your Website for your Side Business

How to Use a Facebook Page Effectively as your Website


The power of social media in marketing cannot be overstated. Facebook is an inexpensive, easy, and mobile-friendly way of advertising and promoting your business. Plus, you can use a Facebook page as your website.

However, we should mention that you still need a business website even if you have a Facebook page. As much as social media is helpful, your business’s site is also crucial. Therefore, the best thing is to integrate both of them into your marketing strategies.


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